Team Value
Great set of assists that control a portion of the screen for a good amount of time while being hard to contest, creating a sort of lockdown wall. Her DHC options are all damage focused, unfortunately, with her grounded level 1 also being difficult to DHC out of without sacrificing a lot of damage. Her tag-in is worth mentioning as you can easily launch with your point character, tag into Eliza, and keep the combo going with no meter spent. She also builds meter pretty well with certain routes.
What they bring
Great Space-control + Lockdown assists
Routes using Upper Khat can build a lot of meter, while she only really uses meter on kill combos
High damaging level 3 DHC that can be combo'd after with OTG
Easy to tag her in mid-combo and continue
Can easily get a sliding knockdown and tag in partners to a more advantageous position
What they want
Traveling lockdown assists to help establish pressure once she gets the opponent to block her mid-range tools
Anti-zoning assists (usually armored), or a partner to help with her tougher matchups
She's a tall character that gets instant overheaded, but her defensive options are a bit lacking even with her own DP... appreciates a DP assist
If you like playing neutral with Sekhmet, an assist to keep opponents from jumping around to avoid you, or a high/low/throw assist to confuse the opponent
Likes to be followed by a partner who can easily DHC after Lady of Slaughter's final hit, as most of the super's damage is contained in that hit (So when I say a character can combo after LoS, I strictly mean the last hit)
Position - Point, Anchor, Fake Anchor
She would very much like an assist to help with her problems in neutral or to back up Sekhmet, but as an anchor with meter she absolutely has comeback potential if she can get her game going. The issue with mid Eliza lies in her DHCs. They're not safe on block, and her level 1 basically ends your momentum while also being hard to combo after with most characters if you do point super > Eliza level 1 DHC > anchor DHC.
Because she struggles with neutral in some point-vs-point matchups and brings good assists herself, it can be very beneficial to take advantage of her combo-able tag to play her as a fake anchor. The point character plays the neutral for her, and once they land a hit you can tag her in and immediately play to her strengths of her strong mixup and pressure game.
Most Common Assists
Butcher’s Blade (214MP) -
Armored Lockdown, Space-Control, Anti-Armor
Eliza turns into an armored skeleton and stabs away, keeping the opponent locked down for a very long time. The armor is unlimited, so it can only be broken by sweeps... but the hitbox of Butcher's makes it hard to sweep her when active. Because of the armor and multi-hits, this assist is great as a counter to armor, and just for counter-calling assists in general. This is the go-to assist if you're a fan of DP + assist, as even if the opponent manages to Pushblock Guard Cancel into an option, Eliza is just gonna armor through and hit the opponent to keep the point character safe; certain Alpha Counters can blow this up if you catch Eliza before her armor starts up, though. One of the best assists in the game.
Carpenter’s Axe (214HP) -
Armored Overhead
Good for creating strong 50/50’s that are dangerous to challenge since you have an armored skeleton backing you up. Adds a lot of damage to combos and also ground bounces the opponent to open up new routes.
The two assists above utilize Eliza's Sekhmet, meaning they build no meter on top of draining Eliza's health. The health drain triggers assist lockout, meaning you have to wait longer (120f/2 seconds) until you can call an assist again.
H Osiris Spiral (214HK) -
Space-Control, Lockdown, Chip Damage
While not invincible, it creates a tall wall that’s scary for some characters to challenge. Deals LUDICROUS amounts of chip damage (900 at a 1.0 damage ratio) on top of keeping the opponent in a lot of blockstun. On hit, the assist pops the opponent up into the air, allowing for the point character to go for crossunder left/right mixups that can be hard for the opponent to deal with if they lack air movement options or an aerial reversal super.
Throne of Isis (236LK) -
Projectile, Anti-Zoning
Comes from behind you and completely goes through projectiles, making it useful for forcing zoning characters to stop shooting projectiles for a second. However, the throne does not negate projectiles, so your point character will still have to deal with them in some way. Any physical hit on the throne will break and negate it.
Dive of Horus (236MK) -
Overhead, Pseudo-DP
Nicknamed “Bird Insurance”. The opponent will be safe if they hit either Eliza or Horus, but Horus is falling from the sky while Eliza is behind the point character. Not exactly easy to hit either of them. Good mixup tool as it hits overhead, and a good combo tool as it also ground bounces.
Recommended Assists:
H/L Hurting Hurl, Grendel Flex (chairless 2HP)
H Chair - Projectile DP
Good DP and good Alpha Counter for when you don't believe in Eliza's DP
L Chair - Projectile Sweep
Good aid to Eliza's instant airdash mixups
Keeps opponents in additional blockstun if you get them to block one of Eliza's pokes, can also snipe them trying to upback
Catching upbackers is especially nice as many will try to jump to keep away from Sekhmet
Grendel Flex - Armored Space-Control
Armored hitbox to protect Eliza while she tries to poke away or utilize summons
Good against zoners for the same reason; protecting her from projectiles as she tries to summon Throne or Albus
Covers your close-range mixups with its 2-hits and armor properties
Eliza's assists help Beo with neutral and pressure, and building Hype
Easy to tag into Eliza mid-combo and continue if you need to tag out for whatever reason
Beowulf can convert off of Lady of Slaughter with Airwulf
Beowulf's support for approaching and controlling the mid-range aren't all that great for Eliza, especially with Beowulf's special conditions on his assists (cooldown, chairless requirements)
Eliza's DHCs add good damage, but have no utility beyond that with her level 1 DHC essentially ending the momentum you built up
Decent for Eliza, Good for Beowulf
Pretty mediocre duo as while Eliza is a good anchor, if Beowulf gets snapped then things get weird. The best plan would be for Eliza to land a hit into sliding knockdown to tag Beowulf in, but she needs to land that hit with a partner who does nothing for her.
Not inflexible, but you'll likely want a good mid character for a trio
Big Band
Recommended Assists:
H Brass Knuckles, H Take the 'A' Train, L/M Beat Extend
Brass Knuckles - Armored Neutral, Anti-Zoning
Helps Eliza force her way in when she wants to approach, being very good for helping fight zoners
H Train - Anti-Air, Combo Tool
Gives her combo routes using Upper Khat that lets her build a TON of meter in combos
Easy mixup vortex when midscreen
A lot of opponents may opt to just stay in the air against Sekhmet, so this can catch a rising opponent
Beat Extend - Anti-Air DP
Top tier DP for a character with mediocre defensive options
Eliza gets great assist options for approaching, defense, or upping her damage and meter gain
Band gets generally good assist value from Eliza
Big Band is one of the few characters who can easily level 1 DHC after the final hit of Eliza's Lady of Slaughter
Easy to tag into Eliza mid-combo and continue if you need to tag out for whatever reason
They share some troublesome matchups against zoners
Favorite for Eliza, Good for Big Band
Strong duo, works in either order, and they help each other decently well in their mutual hate for zoning characters. Prepare yourself to get instant overheaded a lot.
Any character can be added for a good trio
Recommended Assists:
H Lock 'n' Load, Cerecopter
Lock ‘n’ Load - Armored Neutral, Pressure
A good solution to a fair amount of Eliza’s issues in neutral by serving as a sort of advancing shield, absorbing hits or projectiles as Eliza repositions or calls a summon
Also ups her damage while providing some nice mixups
Cerecopter - Lockdown, Space-Control, Anti-Armor
Not as helpful to Eliza as Lock 'n' Load, but a good lockdown assist always helps
Bella supplies good assists to help with Eliza's mid-range control and approach
Eliza's assists are pretty good once Bella is in Battle Butt range
Bella can connect and combo after Lady of Slaughter with her level 1 DHC, albeit only in the corner
Easy to tag into Eliza mid-combo and continue if you need to tag out for whatever reason
Nothing super
Good for Eliza, Good for Cerebella
A nice duo in either order. While they can struggle against zoning comps, they help each other's ability to approach the opponent quite well.
Pretty open to any characters in a trio
Recommended Assists:
Hornet Bomber, Cilia Slide
Hornet Bomber - DP (L), Lockdown (M, H), Neutral (M, H)
Everything she wants in one assist, being a forward moving lockdown assist or a DP assist
The best version for Eliza depends on which Eliza player you ask, so play around with which you like most OR change depending on the matchup (L for opponents who play very aggressive, H against zoners, M for general purpose)
Calling Bomber alongside Eliza's long-range normals/specials jails the opponent at the right spacings, giving her plus frames from a distance
Cilia Slide - Sweep
Complement to your instant airdash and Sekhmet mixups to snipe upbackers
Double assists Eliza in neutral pretty well
Eliza's assists open up some pretty neat offensive options for Double and can protect her pretty well
Easy to tag into Eliza mid-combo and continue if you need to tag out for whatever reason
Easy to combo from Lady of Slaughter in the corner with either Catheads or Beast of Gehenna
2HP > Horus allows Eliza to combo into Double's tag-in if you need to get her out without meter
Safe DHC option with Catheads
Favorite for Eliza, Favorite for Double
Strong choice for a duo in either order
Very flexible, any third character will fit
Recommended Assists:
H Hairball, H Updo
Hairball - Lockdown, Neutral, Anti-Armor
Keeps the opponent blocking for a while to help Eliza's approach
Easy to combo from stray hits if you can get in range for Upper Khat
Counter-call to armored approaches since it has quick multi-hits
Both helps Sekhmet catch an opponent, and keeps them safe after the opponent blocks their mixup without needing to commit to backdash or recall
Updo - Anti-Air DP
It's a DP assist
Filia supplies Eliza good assist support for approaching or defensive measures
Eliza is a great partner for helping Filia stay in to keep mixing opponents
Easy to tag into Eliza mid-combo and continue if you need to tag out for whatever reason
Filia can easily DHC from Lady of Slaughter's final hit midscreen and in the corner
Eliza's lockdown assists heavily scale combos and don't add much to Filia's low combo damage; Carpenter's Axe adds good damage but is not that great for approaching or keeping opponents in place
They're enemies in the lore
Good for Eliza, Favorite for Filia
Pretty good airdashing duo in either order. They help each other out well and both can play anchor.
No specific needs for a third member, so this shell is pretty flexible
Ms. Fortune
Recommended Assists:
H Fiber Upper, Dash
Fiber Upper - Anti-Air DP, Meter Build
Eliza is one of the few characters who can convert semi-consistently off of Fiber with super jump j.MK > 214HP
Dash - Alpha Counter options
Lets you Alpha Counter into Fortune and have her choose any option, including a 5 frame jab, a fast DP, super, jump, or just block. You get to steal your turn out of some pressure strings or get punishes that no other Alpha Counter will safely allow.
Eliza's assists make Fortune's pressure absolutely suffocating, Butcher's Blade especially
You'll typically start with Fortune in front of Eliza on the team, and Fortune deals with Eliza's worst matchups pretty well
Easy to tag into Eliza mid-combo and continue if you need to tag out for whatever reason
Fortune's level 3 can combo off of the last hit of Lady of Slaughter and keep the combo going if in the corner with OTG
Fortune does not have a good assist for helping Eliza approach when she's forced to do so
Their relationship in the lore is kinda problematic
Decent for Eliza, Favorite for Ms. Fortune
Despite the relationship just being decent on Eliza's side, considered one of the game's strongest duos because of how great Butcher's Blade is for Ms. Fortune. Eliza still gets defensive support from Fortune that she really appreciates.
Fortune is likely going to take the point slot, and mid Eliza is arguably her weakest position, so a mid will be the best fit for a trio.
Recommended Assists:
H Platonic Drillationship
H Drill - Lockdown, Neutral, Anti-Armor
Locks down opponents from mid-range in conjunction with Eliza's pokes, helping her transition to close-range pressure
Counter-call to armored approaches since it has quick multi-hits
Helps Sekhmet catch opponents and restart pressure
H Drill is great for helping Eliza's approach and mid-range control
Eliza's assists aid Fukua's mixup game and help her control space
Eliza's level 3 DHC can combo after air Drill super to deal good damage, while allowing a followup combo if OTG is saved
Easy to tag into Eliza meterlessly if you need to get Fukua out
No good DHC options from Lady of Slaughter midscreen; in the corner you can combo... but you have to whiff a super and need OTG
Favorite for Eliza, Good for Fukua
Very good duo in either order
Takes well to any character for a trio
Recommended Assists:
L/H Pinion Dash, M Gae Bolga Stinger (M Nails)
L Pinion - Combo Tool, Pressure
Discount Lock 'n' Load, but instead of armor you get a hitbox that's hard to contest with physical hits
H Pinion - Neutral
Eliza H Pinion playlist - Aymer
M Nails - Projectile
Good for eating a projectile if you want to get out a summon against a zoner
The combination of lockdown and space-control from Eliza's assists are quite nice for Painwheel
Hatred Install DHC for safety and damage, and can combo after Lady of Slaughter in the corner
Both characters can easily tag into each other mid-combo if you need one to recover health, or for the sake of a matchup
Painwheel's assist options really just aren't great for Eliza
The forced lockout of Eliza's Sekhmet assists makes it harder for Painwheel to play to her pace
Decent for Eliza, Decent for Painwheel
Functional, but just a decent duo. Eliza basically just gets Hatred Install out of the relationship, and while the Sekhmet assists can be really nice for Painwheel, it is harder for her to control the match pace as the additional assist lockout gives the opponent a clear opening to close in on her.
Easy to fit in any character in any slot for a trio
Recommended Assists:
L Napalm Shot, Napalm Pillar
L Shot - Projectile, Pressure
Augments your close-range pressure and makes it harder for an opponent to contest Eliza with a tear on top of them
Can eat an oncoming projectile while Eliza tries to get a summon out or move in
Napalm Pillar - Anti-Air DP
It's a DP
Either of Parasoul's good assists are very good for Eliza
Eliza gives Parasoul great assist support for offensive and defensive purposes
Parasoul's Sniper Shot makes for an easy DHC after Lady of Slaughter's final hit
Easy to tag into Eliza mid-combo and continue if you need to tag out for whatever reason
Nothing especial
Good for Eliza, Good for Parasoul
Very good duo in either order
These characters both have the middle position as their weakest position, so look to fill that for a trio if you want to optimize your balance. Otherwise, any character can fit in well.
Recommended Assists:
George's Day Out (L George)
Persistent Projectile
A lingering ground threat that the opponent is forced to block, shoot, or jump over if you hide behind it, or can cover your approach and act as a combo breaker if you get ahead of the bomb. If you have a second partner, you can still call them while George is out.
L George can help Eliza's slow approach and protect her decently well
Eliza has a good selection of assists to keep opponents locked down to give Peacock time to escape/setup/rush in, as well as counter-zoning options
Eliza has good meter gain so can act as a battery for Peacock
Peacock can easily tag into Eliza mid-combo and continue if you need to get her out
Safe DHC with Lonesome Lenny, and Peacock can also combo after Lady of Slaughter both midscreen and in the corner after summoning Lenny
Outside of the corner, Peacock has to end Argus Agony early for Eliza to be able to combo afterward with her DHCs
Lonesome Lenny then DHC'ing into Eliza is... weird
Level 1 DHC causes Lenny to explode on Eliza (and only Eliza) outside of certain setups that are character specific
Level 3 DHC after Lenny is... very jank
Good for Eliza, Good for Peacock
A fine duo
Any third character will fit well in any slot for a trio
Robo Fortune
Recommended Assists:
H Theonite Beam
Theonite Beam - Beam Projectile
Massively helps both Eliza's neutral game, whether she's trying to keep the opponent at bay with normal pokes and summons, or approaching characters who try to play lame against her
Eliza has fast overhead options, making it dangerous for the opponent to crouch under Beam if she tries to use it for pressure
Beam also backs up Sekhmet's approach well, but won't save Sekhmet from sweeps
Beam assist for Eliza
Both Spiral and Butcher's are amazing assists for Robo in creating space for her
Easy to tag into Eliza mid-combo and continue if you need to tag out for whatever reason
Robo can very easily combo after Lady of Slaughter with Magnet DHC
Lady of Slaughter into Magnet DHC is NOT safe if the opponent is in jab range
Favorite for Eliza, Favorite for Robo Fortune
This shell as a duo is held back by the possibility of Robo Fortune ending up as the anchor, but the synergy makes up for it. This duo works well in either order, and if the opponent snaps you in an attempt to kill Eliza first, it is easy to bring Robo back in meterlessly with Albus, 5HK sliding knockdown, or comboing into it after Horus in the corner.
Open to any characters for a trio, but any point character will be very happy to be backed up by this shell
Recommended Assists:
Drag 'n' Bite, Cremation (2HP), Center Stage
Drag 'n' Bite - Lockdown, Neutral
Good for turning mid-range pokes into close-range pressure for Eliza
Lockdown helps for covering Eliza's/Sekhmet's mixup game and making it more difficult to pushblock them out
Cremation - Low, Lockdown
Not as good for establishing pressure from Eliza's pokes, but establishes a 50/50 if called properly
Center Stage - Screen Manipulation
Makes it harder for opponents to run away from Sekhmet, while also dragging the opponent into the range of Eliza's big normals and massive air throw
Very helpful when she has trouble getting in on a zoner, including doing Boat (2HK) to armor through projectiles, then calling Center Stage to suddenly be in the opponent's face
Both characters give each other nice lockdown assists with additional purposes in neutral
Squigly can combo off of Eliza's Lady of Slaughter with Squigly Battle Opera, and also gain one or even both stance charges midscreen AND in the corner (but depends on the opposing character being hit)
SBO both into and out of Lady of Slaughter is safe on block
Can combo into Eliza's tag and continue the combo without spending meter
Eliza can be a good battery for Squigly
Nothing major
Favorite for Eliza, Good for Squigly
Fairly effective duo. You get safe DHCs in either order, and once you get a hit you can easily change your order without spending meter if you need someone to heal their red health. Eliza is not a meter-hungry character, so be sure to keep some in the bank in the event that she dies before Squigly.
Pretty flexible shell in a trio, any third character can fit in
Recommended Assists:
H Savage Bypass
H Bypass - Combo Tool
Converts easily from 5HPx3 if you wish to use the ground-bounce early in the combo, among other combo routes
Val gets good assists for pressure and vial loads
Easy to tag into Eliza mid-combo and continue if you need to tag out for whatever reason
Valentine can play point against Eliza's worst matchups and easily tag Eliza in to a more advantageous position
What Valentine provides in her assists is not what Eliza needs
No good options for DHC'ing after Lady of Slaughter; Scalpels super works but requires OTG in the corner and whiffing the super
Poor for Eliza, Good for Valentine
Very strong duo when Valentine is on point, and it is easy to fix your order if it gets disrupted, but Eliza is not getting much from this relationship
Valentine is going to hog point and Eliza is not a great mid, so for a balanced team you'll be looking for a good mid character
Recommended Assists:
H Crescent Cut, H North Knuckle, H Destruction Pillar
H Cut - Projectile
Helps Eliza out a lot in neutral, letting her move into the mid-range where she wants to be while staying protected by the projectile
Because Eliza is protected by the projectile, she can safely utilize her anti-zoning measures (Horus, Throne, 2HK) that would typically otherwise get interrupted by the Robo Fortune beam or Peacock bomb coming her way
H Knuckle - Neutral, Lockdown
Good range and lockdown to help approach
Fits easily into combos while adding good damage
Destruction Pillar - Anti-Air DP
Eliza's defensive options aren't the best, so Destruction Pillar is nice to have
...However, Eliza does not have the easiest time converting into a combo due to Pillar's knockback, and the return to neutral may not be the best situation for her
A variety of strong assists to help Eliza out in neutral or defense
Very nice offensive assist support for Annie
Eliza can play the battery role for Annie to feed her meter
Good for Eliza, Good for Annie
Good duo combination
Any third character will fit well for a trio
Recommended Assists:
Cliff Hanger (6HP), Hungern Rush
Cliff Hanger - Anti-Air, Neutral
Catches opponents trying to jump-in on Eliza if for some reason she's not able to anti-air 5MP on time
General neutral tool with its large hitbox
Can cover Sekhmet's recovery if you don't/can't backdash after a move
Hungern Rush - Anti-Air DP
If you don't believe in Eliza's mediocre DP, you get another mediocre one in assist form
Umbrella gets better pressure options that complement her scary mixup game from Eliza's assists
Safe DHCs with Retina Reflector
Umbrella doesn't provide much utility for Eliza's flaws
Decent for Eliza, Good for Umbrella
An okay duo that's able to abuse Eliza's strong lockdown assists in Butcher's Blade or her mixup with axe assist. Unfortunately, Umbrella does not offer Eliza much for assists or team utility leading to the duo to be very front loaded.
Eliza can serve as a great anchor and Umbrella can help as a mid to a point-hungry character. Alternatively, the trio will benefit greatly from an anchor with a strong neutral assist.
Black Dahlia
Recommended Assists:
Medici Mousetrap (2MK), L/M/H Order Up! (X Shot)
Mousetrap - Ground Space Control, Low
Good for mixups and corner pressure
X Shot - Projectile, Multipurpose*
*Slow projectile (all but shotgun and beam), combo (shotgun, ice, electric), lockdown (ice, electric, fire), long-range (beam, electric)
Normal bullets could see some use for Eliza if she doesn't have to approach and just wants to poke with her mid-range buttons, special bullets do any number of things for her
Eliza gets ok usage from Dahlia's assists
Dahlia gets a variety of benefits from Spiral assist, Axe is good for upping her damage
Eliza works as a fake anchor and can easily tag in after Dahlia who enables them quite well
Last Call and Barrel DHCs, Dahlia is one of the few characters who can easily followup from Eliza's Lady of Slaughter via DHC
Both characters struggle against zoners and don't do much to help each other out, with the (potential) exception of Eliza backed by special bullets
Decent for Eliza, Good for Dahlia
An alright duo
Any character in any slot should fit for a trio
Recommended Assists:
H Hilgard's Haymaker, H Marie Go Round (Twirl)
H Haymaker - Armored Neutral
Throws out an armored hitbox that goes fullscreen, making it great for helping Eliza get into her effective range
H Twirl - Armored Neutral
Better for combos and bolstering Eliza's scary close-range game
Worth picking over Haymaker if you already have a strong neutral assist on your team
Eliza gets help in neutral from Marie's assists
Marie enjoys the space-control brought by Eliza's assists
Marie's low combo damage can be circumvented by Eliza's combo tag, and Eliza herself can easily setup a sliding knockdown to tag Marie back in to an advantageous position
Good for Eliza, Good for Marie
This shell makes for a good duo in either order
A character to play the mid position is recommended for this shell, as it's the least preferred placement for both of them