Team Value
Brings some nice help to a team without needing a team explicitly built around her. While her assists aren't the greatest neutral threats, they do provide some nice defensive coverage to check opponents closing in. Add on that some of them leave the opponent in a great deal of hitstun, making stray hits very easy to convert from, and being incredible tools for resource building characters. Her supers provide both good raw damage and nice utility, including a safe-ish DHC and combo DHCs. The combo extension DHCs being especially nice as Umbrella herself does an illegal amount of damage if she can reach her Ravenous state.
What they bring
Versatile assists and DHCs that provide great team utility
Retina Reflector DHC can be very difficult or impossible to punish, depending on the characters in play and Pushblock Guard Cancel timings
Not quite on the level of safety as, say, Painwheel's Hatred Install DHC, but /mostly/ safe
Salt Grinder is a great assist for resource characters such as Beowulf
Incredible damage and pressure when in Ravenous state, which when combined with her combo DHCs can buff your team's damage output with proper setup
When in Ravenous, most assists in the game will let her meterlessly or 1-bar 2-touch in a 3v3
What they want
Strong neutral assists, such as Brass or H Beam, that allow the Umbrella to approach and pressure the opponent
Assists that can help with Umbrella's lackluster defense
Lockdown assists can help her extend her pressure, especially in Ravenous mode and can add a layer to her already absurd mixes
While not necessary, assists that give her easy 4-way mix off of 5HP > Slurp 'n' Slide + Assist in Ravenous
Known (and often used) assists that enable this will be noted in their sections
Position - Mid > (Fake) Anchor > Point
Point: Umbrella's neutral isn't the best, so she appreciates having assists to help her out. She has a much better time getting in on the opponent when she's in Ravenous with assists, and in the event that she falls into Starving, she may be able to protect herself with an assist while she gets a Taunt off to go back into Satiated state. That said, playing a game where you wait to fall into the right state is a losing game. You do give up on her generally good assists and great DHC in this spot if she dies first, which is a notable loss.
Mid: She has a great safe DHC in Retina Reflector and a point character who can play neutral for her and get Umbrella in on her own terms and start snowballing from there. She also has pretty good assists, with Cliff Hanger being a good general assist and Salt Grinder being a really nice combo tool for certain characters.
Anchor: You still get the safe DHC and more opportunities to switch into Umbrella at an advantageous situation, playing a fake anchor role. Playing without assists is pretty scary in the event that the rest of her team dies first, and if you fall into Starving state then your only hope is that your opponent decides to let you get a Taunt off uncontested. She can still snowball very quickly if she lands a hit, and meter for her utility supers can help her get into range.
Most Common Assists
Cliff Hanger (6HP) -
Anti-Air, Neutral, Combo Tool (Stagger)
The most useful of Umbrella's assists for the majority of the cast. The first part of the assist is a great check against aerial approaches with its disjointed hitbox, knocking the opponent high up into the air for an easy conversion on hit, or keeping them locked down on block providing you with a lot of frame advantage to create space or start your own pressure. Keep in mind that this part is coded to never hit grounded opponents, even someone as tall as Big Band. The second part reaches pretty far on the ground and inflicts a stagger state on grounded opponents while dealing a good bit of damage. The hitbox is not disjointed but attempts to challenge this assist can easily up trading which is dangerous for the opponent due to the stagger. Easy to fit into your combo routes for frontloaded damage, and good for pressure with its great hitbox and very high blockstun for a single hit (33 frames, more than Big Band's H Brass assist). Use to keep opponents from charging at you recklessly in neutral or from escaping the corner, while also being a means for helping approach once you reach the mid-range.
Hungern Rush ([2]8HP) -
Anti-Air, Pressure (Overstuffed)
Invincible DP assist with large vertical range but very little horizontal coverage. Does not retain the same unblockable-while-rising properties that Umbrella has when played on point. Heavily scales the follow-up combo by 55%, but does keep the opponent captured for a bit so it is easy to convert off of while giving resource characters time to build up mid-combo. Changes properties if Umbrella is in her Overstuffed state, where instead of capturing the opponent, Hungern hits both on the way up and on colliding with the ground. It's pretty good for pressure in this state. It's never a bad idea to have a DP assist, at the end of the day.
Salt Grinder (236LP) -
Combo Tool (Stagger)
Hungern eats the opponent keeps them in place for a while, leaving them in a staggered state when spat out. Great assist for the resource characters, letting Valentine load 2 vials, Robo Fortune build 2 heads, and more. Unfortunately, Salt Grinder also has virtually no value in neutral with its short range. Forces the damage scaling down to 55%, so it is best not to use this assist early in a combo, but it does provide good damage overall. Choose over Cliff Hanger if you really want those double vials/double heads/Beowulf taunts off anything and already have a neutral assist on the team. Or you just want to melt lifebars.
Cutie Ptooie and Wishmaker (214LK and 214HK) -
Projectile, Space Control (L), Combo Tool (H)
Umbrella launches a slow moving bubble that moves about half a screen's distance; Ptooie simply hits the opponent, while Wishmaker puts them in a special capture state. Ptooie travels upward in an arc so it can potentially stop opponents trying to jump on you. Wishmaker travels straight with less distance covered (though the distance increases if Umbrella is in Overstuffed state), but does not interact with projectiles (meaning it won't shield you from them) and disappears if Umbrella gets hit. Ptooie is better for controlling space for these reasons, while Wishmaker can be used for reset potential. As of now, it is hard to recommend either of these assists over the ones mentioned above, but these are still very much underexplored and could hold some nice potential.
Recommended Assists:
H Hurl (236HP), Grendel Flex (Chairless 2HP)
H Hurl - Projectile DP
Good DP and good Alpha Counter for when you don't believe in Umbrella's DP
Can be used in bubble mixups to create ambiguous left/right scenarios
Grendel Flex - Armored Space-Control
Body blocks for her as an armored assist as well as anti-airs
Useful as a wall to set up bubbles/puddles
Umbrella gets some defensive help from Beowulf's assists, while also buying time for her to setup bubbles in combos
Beowulf has no trouble getting taunt combos using Umbrella's assists, especially Salt Grinder
Great DHC synergy with Gigantic Arm into Retina Reflector or Retina Reflector into Air Wulf
Beowulf's meter gain is good, giving access to Umbrella's more damaging combos
Very greedy duo with most of the synergy helping Beowulf over Umbrella
Difficult to approach the opponent, especially against zoners
Both characters desire for a good neutral assist (H Brass, H Beam, H Bomber)
Decent for Umbrella, Favorite for Beowulf
Decent duo but will struggle to get in and pressure the opponent. The duo should almost always be played with Beo point to best take advantage of Umbrella's team utility, safe DHC, and good tag in routes.
When paired with a third character with a good neutral assist, the shell becomes an extremely strong and capable team. Special mention goes to Big Band who greatly helps each character, synergies well with their assists, and makes for an excellent anchor.
Big Band
Recommended Assists:
H Brass Knuckles, L/M Beat Extend
Brass Knuckles - Armored Neutral, Anti-Zoning
Helps Umbrella force her way in when she wants to approach, being very good for helping fight zoners
Can serve as a wall to setup bubbles or puddles
Beat Extend - Anti-Air DP
Top tier DP for a character with mediocre defensive options
Sets up bubble mixups
The version of Beat Extend you use is up to you; L is the better anti-air, M deals with crossups better, if you have a third character then check their page to see if they prefer a certain version
Big Band's assists are top-level for addressing Umbrella's biggest weaknesses and hardest matchups
Umbrella's Retina Reflector DHC makes Big Band's SSJ much safer on block
Several ways to continue the combo DHC'ing both into and out of Big Band's SSJ super midscreen and in the corner
Hungern Rush > Retina Reflector > SSJ - Credit to Hyggend for all 3
Very high damage shell that can run over a team if they gain momentum
Umbrella's assists don't help much with Big Band's biggest weakness of getting in on his hardest matchups, but they are nice for bumping his damage even higher
Favorite for Umbrella, Good for Big Band
A great and powerful duo that's able to exert pressure, perform ambiguous mixups, and heavily revert a match's momentum once they get a hit.
Any character can be added to make a great trio. Big Band and Umbrella both complement each other's weaknesses and help shore up the rest of the cast's flaws.
Recommended Assists:
H Lock N' Load, Cerecopter
H Lock 'n' Load - Armored Neutral, Pressure
Helps Umbrella approach and can shield from projectiles
Adds a good chunk of damage to Umbrella's already great damage in Ravenous state
Enables Umbrella's 4-way mix setup
Cerecopter - Lockdown, Space-Control
Strong lockdown assist with the ability to help setup multi-layered safe mixes for Umbrella
Cerebella offers two great utility assists that help expand Umbrella's gameplan
High damage through assists with both characters offering a safe DHC and a high damaging level 3
Umbrella's assists are overall nice for Cerebella, but don't help her deal with her most difficult matchups
Two characters who struggle with zoners, but only Umbrella is getting help in countering them
Good for Umbrella, Good for Cerebella
Very good duo in either order but struggles against zoning teams.
A very strong shell that will be of great assistance to most characters.
Recommended Assists:
Hornet Bomber
Hornet Bomber - DP (L), Lockdown (M), Neutral (M, H), Zoning (H)
All versions of Hornet Bomber are good for Umbrella, but M and H are especially strong due to the midscreen stage pressure utility
L Bomber can act as a safe DP, allowing Umbrella to escape pressure without commitment
Great multi-purpose assist support for both characters
Safe DHC in either order, with both Reflector and Catheads
Double works well as an anchor providing Umbrella good pressure and utility
Good for Umbrella, Good for Double
A good duo, Double works much better as the anchor than Umbrella.
Any third character would work well.
Recommended Assists:
Butcher's Blade, Carpenter's Axe, H Osiris Spiral
Butcher's Blade - Armored Lockdown, Space-Control, Anti-Armor
Keeps the opponent locked down, allowing Umbrella to go for more deadly pressure and mixes
Great for corner pressure and combos
Shields Umbrella from projectiles, giving her space to move in or setup bubbles
Not great for DP + assist as Umbrella's DP doesn't have enough blockstun to cover the gap before Butcher's becomes active, letting the opponent jump out and punish both characters
Carpenter's Axe - Armored Overhead
Umbrella has amazing lows but will not always have Ravenous jMP available for her 50/50s, so this can help cover for those times
Being armored, this assist is amazing for closing gaps in pressure where the opponent could try to mash out
Deals good damage and ground bounces, making it nice for a number of combo routes and setups
Osiris Spiral - Space-Control, Lockdown, Chip
Lengthy lockdown that gives Umbrella plenty of time for bubble setups
Easy 4-way mix whenever it hits
900 points of chip damage!
Umbrella gets better pressure options that complement her scary mixup game from Eliza's assists
Safe DHCs with Retina Reflector
Umbrella doesn't provide much utility for Eliza's flaws
Good for Umbrella, Decent for Eliza
An okay duo that's able to abuse Eliza's strong lockdown assists in Butcher's Blade or her mixup with axe assist. Unfortunately, Umbrella does not offer Eliza much for assists or team utility leading to the duo to be very front loaded.
Eliza can serve as a great anchor and Umbrella can help as a mid to a point-hungry character. Alternatively, the trio will benefit greatly from an anchor with a strong neutral assist.
Recommended Assists:
H Hairball, H Updo
Hairball - Lockdown, Neutral, Anti-Armor
Helps Umbrella's approach in neutral
Provides great lockdown for when she's running her pressure game, gives her time to dispense bubbles while the opponent is in blockstun then run her 50/50
Becomes a bigger neutral threat if Umbrella is in Ravenous or has a puddle in between her and the opponent, as she can then convert stray hits of Hairball into a full combo with Slurp 'n' Slide
Slurp 'n' Slide + assist can force Umbrella in and leaves her plus, also gives a combo on hit as long as she's not in Overstuffed
Updo - Anti-Air DP
DP assist that's more reliable than Umbrella's own DP
Filia's assists deal with either of Umbrella's biggest weaknesses (neutral and defense)
Umbrella's assists add nice damage to Filia's otherwise low-damage combos, and Cliff Hanger in general is nice for both neutral and pressure
Favorite for Umbrella, Good for Filia
Great synergy between the two makes this a nice duo. Neither character is an especially good anchor, but they can handle the position. Filia is not a meter-hungry character so she can save it for Umbrella if she's the last one standing.
This shell is flexible enough to realistically take any character in any slot, though a strong anchor with a good neutral assist to help close in on opponents would be ideal.
Recommended Assists:
H Fiber Upper, Cat Strike/Head Roll, Wheel of Fortune (5HK), Dash
H Fiber - Anti-air DP
DP assist that's a bit more reliable than Umbrella's own DP
Very hard for Umbrella to convert from as her air normals are short; if the opponent is not close enough to eat all 3 hits and if you aren't quick enough to confirm into j.MP or j.HP, then you have to settle for the less-than-ideal return to neutral
Cat Strike - DP, Combo Tool (Stagger)
Another DP assist with a smaller hitbox, but incredibly easy to convert into a combo from
Stagger state allows Umbrella to combo into her special or level 3 command grabs
Wheel of Fortune - Lockdown
3-hit lockdown to use in pressure sequences
Enables Umbrella's 4-way mix
Umbrella GAS with Fortune 5HK - Credit to Hyggend
Be aware that this assist is only available when Fortune has the head on; in headless this assist turns into her launcher (which is bad)
Dash - Alpha Counter options
Lets you Alpha Counter into Fortune and have her choose any option, including a 5 frame jab, a fast DP, super, jump, or just block. You get to steal your turn out of some pressure strings or get punishes that no other Alpha Counter will safely allow.
Umbrella's assists are generally good for Fortune, making her pressure more obnoxious while also raising her combo damage
Point Fortune can build a lot of meter for Umbrella
Fortune's assist support is pretty mediocre for Umbrella, making for fairly one-sided synergy
Fortune typically hogs the point slot, taking up one of Umbrella's preferred positions which can make team building more strained
Decent for Umbrella, Good for Fortune
A bit lacking as a duo as Umbrella does not get much help from the pairing. When she's on point she gets assists that do not address her biggest issues, but at least Fortune can leave Umbrella with a lot of meter if she needs to dispense the Retina Reflector in hard matchups.
Fortune hogs the point position, leaving Umbrella to play mid (ideal) or anchor (if needed). A character with an assist that helps either character rush down opponents would be ideal.
Recommended Assists:
M Forever A Clone, H Platonic Drillationship
M Clone - Neutral, Combo Tool
Not the most ignorant neutral assist, but still a welcome one with a very high reward if it catches someone
Goes clean through projectiles, widens the range where a zoner throwing bombs or beams at you is a death sentence for them
Gives Umbrella a meterless 2-touch route in 3v3 off a 4-way mixup vortex
H Drill - Lockdown, Neutral, Anti-Armor
Generally good assist option to help Umbrella approach once she reaches mid-range, or protect her from certain armored approaches trying to stop her from setting bubbles in neutral
Good lockdown to aid her pressure
Fukua provides nice neutral help for Umbrella, helping her approach game and either her combo or pressure game
Umbrella's assists are a nice complement to Fukua's space-control game and boost her low damage, along with letting her incorporate command grabs into combos thanks to 6HP and Salt Grinder inflicting stagger
Fukua can easily tag into Umbrella after M Shadow and continue the combo; especially nice as Umbrella hits very hard (in the right states) and lets Fukua heal the red health from clone usage
Safe-ish DHCs with Retina Reflector
Good for Umbrella, Favorite for Fukua
Very solid duo, they complement each other well.
Any character will fit for a trio.
Recommended Assists:
L Pinion Dash, M Gae Bolga Stinger (Nails)
L Pinion - Pressure
Blockstring filler, easy to fit into combos to boost damage
Enables Umbrella's 4-way mix setup
M Nails - Projectile
Can tank an opposing projectile for Umbrella to help her close in on zoners
Also gives the 4-way mix setup
Painwheel's assists help Umbrella deliver the mix
Umbrella's assists are generally alright for Painwheel
Safe DHCs in either direction, which is nice as both characters lack good meterless defense
Umbrella can easily tag into Painwheel mid-combo if she needs to get out
Neither partner gives the other especially nice help with winning neutral
Good for Umbrella, Good for Painwheel
This duo has good damage and nice safety via DHCs, but may get bullied by teams with strong neutral assists as their own assists can't compete.
An anchor with a good neutral assist would be a great help for a trio.
Recommended Assists:
L Napalm Shot, H Napalm Pillar
L Shot - Projectile, Pressure
Projectile that Umbrella can chase behind to approach the opponent
The lingering projectile makes it scarier to contest Umbrella's already frightening pressure
Enables Umbrella's 4-way mix setup and Ravenous 2-touches
Overhead (0 bar) - Low (1 bar) - Credit to Hyggend
H Pillar - Anti-Air DP
Parasoul's assist kit help with either neutral or defense, which Umbrella appreciates
Umbrella's assists help Parasoul control space and give a nice boost to her damage
Umbrella's Retina Reflector makes for safe-ish DHCs in both directions
(opponent grounded) Sniper Shot > MH Retina Reflector DHC converts from near fullscreen, making for 2 bar, but fairly safe call-out
Parasoul can freely tag into Umbrella with 4HK > Tag and continue the combo
They're sisters (affectionate)
They're sisters (derogatory)
Good for Umbrella, Good for Parasoul
A fine duo with nothing special to note.
Any character should fit fine for a trio.
Recommended Assists:
George's Day Out (L George), Screwball Cannonball (5HP)
L George - Persistent Projectile
A lingering ground threat that the opponent is forced to block, shoot, or jump over if you hide behind it, or can cover your approach and act as a combo breaker if you get ahead of the bomb. If you have a second partner, you can still call them while George is out.
Enables Umbrella's 4-way mix setup
5HP - Projectile, Lockdown
Fast projectile that can help Umbrella close in, whether through forcing grounded opponents to block or jump over it, or by blocking an opposing projectile
Decent 2-hit lockdown when Peacock is up close
Enables Umbrella's 4-way mix setup
Peacock's assists are pretty ok for Umbrella
Cliff Hanger assist is very good for Peacock, both defensively and offensively
Safe DHCs in either direction
Nothing to clown on
Good for Umbrella, Favorite for Peacock
A solid duo. Both characters support each other well, and if Peacock is on point then she can build a lot of meter for anchor Umbrella.
A good anchor character would probably be your best bet for this shell, but honestly any character in any position could work.
Robo Fortune
Recommended Assists:
H Theonite Beam
H Theonite Beam - Projectile, Anti-Armor
Top tier neutral assist, helping deal with Umbrella's biggest weakness of getting in on opponents and beating out opposing assists
Gives her time to safely blow bubbles and setup puddles to get the party started; if a puddle is already out then Umbrella can convert off of long-range Beam hits with Slurp 'n' Slide
Very useful in pressure situations as even though Beam is duckable, Umbrella has a command grab and instant overheads (in Ravenous) to murder the opponent for praying to the Church of Downback
Enables Umbrella's 4-way mix setup and Ravenous meterless 2-touches
Umbrella gets one of her favorite assists from Robo in beam assist
Robo gets an assist kit that boosts her damage, defense, and two assists that let her build 2 heads in a combo for great utility
Retina Reflector (MP+HP) into Robo's Magnet or Beam super lets Robo continue the combo afterward (pretty cool)
Robo-Fortune can tag into Umbrella after 5HP, giving a hard knockdown if OTG was saved and letting Umbrella get an easy 50/50 if she's in Ravenous; if Robo can get the stagger from 214MK or has mine available then Umbrella can combo afterward
Retina Reflector: Contact Lens into Magnet DHC is NOT safe on block (but it's still a tight punish where you likely have to be point-blank)
Favorite for Umbrella, Favorite for Robo Fortune
Both characters complement each other extremely well, but in a duo situation the anchor character may run into issues; Robo with making a comeback, and Umbrella with winning neutral against certain teams if Robo wasn't able to build much meter.
Robo and Umbrella like the point/mid slots, so look for a character to play the anchor for a trio. A character with a strong defensive assist would be a very strong choice.
Recommended Assists:
Drag 'n' Bite, Ashes to Ashes (6HP)
DnB - Lockdown, Neutral
The very long lockdown is good for extended pressure, and opens up combo routes with fully charged 6HP
2MP + assist is a long-range poke that can be converted into a combo, or can jail the opponent depending on your assist call timing
Usage as a neutral assist makes this the recommended choice over her command normal assists, but it's your call
Ashes to Ashes - Lockdown, Overhead
Still good, though lesser lockdown compared to DnB
Umbrella won't always have her instant overhead available in Ravenous jMP, and she has an amazing throw invuln, low-crushing low to make for a strong 50/50
Cremation (2HP) is also a choice, but again, she won't always have her good overhead available, but she will always have her good lows
Squigly's strong lockdown assists are nice for Umbrella's pressure
Umbrella's assist kit helps Squigly with resource building no matter which assist you pick, and you get options for either neutral and defensive help, or crazy damage potential
Safe DHCs in either direction
If Squigly has stagger available then she can tag into Umbrella after 236MK, scoring a hard knockdown if you still have OTG
Good for Umbrella, Good for Squigly
A pretty fine duo.
Third character choice is dependent on how strongly you believe in Umbrella or Squigly as anchor characters. Any third can potentially work, but a battery point character or an anchor with a strong neutral or defensive assist would be prime choices.
Recommended Assists:
H Savage Bypass
H Bypass - Combo Tool
Can be used as a combo extender and can potentially setup unique mixups (unexplored)
Umbrella's kit gives options for helping Valentine players who like playing a keep-away style, and all of her good assists give easy vial loads
Umbrella gives Valentine a safe DHC out
Umbrella gets very little off of Valentine's assists or DHCs
Poor for Umbrella, Good for Valentine
A very weak duo with the only caveat being a safe DHC. Valentine should always be played point if you attempt this duo.
This duo requires a third character to function properly, one that can help each other's gameplan and assist the two with approaching the opponent.
Recommended Assists:
H Destruction Pillar, H North Knuckle, H Crescent Cut
H Pillar - Anti-Air DP
A great DP assist with a ton of hitstun allowing you to easily convert
H Knuckle - Neutral, Lockdown
Allows Umbrella to lockdown the opponent from far away and approach
Great for combo damage
H Cut - Projectile
Large, slow projectile that Umbrella can chase to help her approach, with the added benefit of eating an opposing projectile
Useful in pressure sequences as most characters don't have a safe way to challenge a projectile
Enables Umbrella's 4-way mix setup
Both Annie assists are great for frontloading combo damage and offer great neutral or defensive help to Umbrella
Umbrella's Cliff Hanger assist does a number of good things for Annie's neutral and pressure, while Salt Grinder gives her crazy damage
Pillar DHC is great for tagging out Umbrella
Extremely high damage in either order
Both characters can easily tag into each other mid-combo using their stagger-inflicting command normals; tagging into Annie gives a combo, while tagging into Umbrella gives hard knockdown if you still have OTG available
Good for Umbrella, Good for Annie
You can't go wrong with this duo.
You can't make a bad team with this shell, stick on any character for a trio.
black dahlia
Recommended Assists:
Medici Mousetrap (2MK), L/M/H Order Up! (X Shot)
Mousetrap - Ground Space Control, Low
Good for corner pressure and mix
X Shot - Projectile, Multipurpose*
*Slow projectile (all but shotgun and beam), combo (shotgun, ice, electric), lockdown (ice, electric, fire), long-range (beam, electric)
Normal bullet doesn't do much for Umbrella, Long-range bullets can help with neutral and her approach
Umbrella can let Dahlia play in front of her, tag-in after Dahlia 5[HP], and follow-up with a combo that puts her into Ravenous
Last Call and Barrel DHCs
Neither character really cares much for the other's assist
Both characters can hold to zoners and don't do much to help each other fight them, outside of Dahlia's special bullets
Decent for Umbrella, Decent for Dahlia
Not a good duo as the assist support isn't all there
An anchor with a strong neutral assist would be a great asset to this shell
Recommended Assists:
H Hilgard's Haymaker, H Marie Go Round (Twirl), Clean Cut (5HP)
H Haymaker - Armored Neutral
Long-range assist that helps Umbrella get in on the opponent, or buy her time to throw out bubbles
H Twirl - Armored Neutral
Close-range assist option, great for resetting pressure as it can be scary to contest
The stagger state from this assist prevents Umbrella from comboing after Salt Grinder due to it also inflicting stagger, which may be an issue if you need to maximize combo damage
Clean Cut - Neutral
Similar usage to H Twirl assist but avoids the stagger issue
Umbrella gets good neutral assists from Marie
Marie gets a selection of good assists that help her out defensive from Umbrella
Good for Umbrella, Good for Marie
This shell should work fine as a duo in either order
Any character can fit in for a trio