
General Feedback & Contact

I am more than willing to take feedback and suggestions as I want to make this guide as good as it can be... within reason. If you play/have knowledge on a certain shell and have information you'd like to share on assists/pros/cons that were not covered, or things that you just find disagreeable, please feel free to tell me and I'll consider adding it to the guide. The template that I used to write each character's section is down below, so use that as a guide.

Even if I do not agree with your suggestion, it might convince me to change up my wording or add clarification to something, so go ahead and shoot things to me. I don't bite.

First of all, there is a Skullheart thread that I am trying to use to collect feedback. I'd prefer that over all else.

Team Building Guide Feedback | Skullheart

Twitter and Discord: KhaosMuffins

For Twitter just @ me in a post.

For Discord just ping me in the Skullgirls Discord or DM me.

I would prefer if you would just ping me in a public message in the SG Discord in an appropriate channel (gameplay or one of the character channels) to promote discussion and see what others think. But if it's just a typo or something small, then just send a private message if you don't wanna use the other methods.

I cannot address feedback that I cannot see, so help me to see it.


Youtube, Twitter, and Discord are full of videos showing off cool team synergy things, and I feel like they would be great to include in the guide to give a visual example of what a shell is capable. But searching through Twitter and Discord is... awful. And Youtube is huge. If you have any videos or playlists you made or know of that would go well in the guide, I would love to add them.

I would greatly prefer that these be Youtube links (promote your channel!), Discord links (I can download those), or links to a (registered, not guest) Streamable video. The problem with Twitter videos is that Twitter accounts go on private or get deleted. I don't have to worry as much about someone's Youtube account suddenly being inaccessible and breaking links.

Lex has the perfect example for a Youtube playlist: Val/Fortune/Double Team Tech - YouTube

Character Section Template


Recommended Assists:

[assists this character wants]

  • [assist] - [function]

    • [what it's good for]


  • [How does the supporting partner's assist kit help, if helpful]

  • [How does this page's character assist kit help their partner, if helpful]

  • [Any special notes: Is there high utility or damage in their DHCs, can they easily tag to each other for preserving health or upping combo damage, Is either partner a good battery that enables the other, Does either character help deal with the other's bad matchups, etc.]


  • [If either character's assist kit is poor for their partner, note it here]

  • [Any special notes: Is it difficult to make use of this partner's DHCs, Do these characters compete for meter or a position, Do they share bad matchups, etc.]


  • [Fav/Good/Decent/Poor for this page's character, Fav/Good/Decent/Poor for this section's character]

  • [Does this shell work well as a duo, or are they incomplete? Even with duo health and damage, does either character suffer as the anchor?]

  • [How flexible is this shell for building a trio? What third character would really help this shell's shortcomings or enhance its strengths?]

Duo Assessments

There's no real community-wide agreement on what makes a duo good or bad, so I imagine my rating of duos may cause some disagreements. Please speak up if you feel I was very unfair or even too forgiving on a duo.

Here are the points I used to assess duos:

  • Do both characters support each other well

  • Do both characters fight well alone

  • If one of the above does not apply:

    • If the support is very one-sided, is the character that's expected to be on point getting great support to make up for it, and can the anchor at least fight well without a partner

    • Is it easy to switch orders without spending meter and keep your advantage (combo extending tags like Double or Painwheel, sliding knockdowns into tags and still being plus enough to run okizeme or setup for zoning)

    • Examples of flawed, yet strong duos:

      • Beowulf/Big Band being the prime example as solo Beowulf sucks, but Beowulf with Big Band is amazing and Big Band also gets good support

      • Painwheel/Double being another example as while Painwheel doesn't want to be solo, if Double is on point then she can easily tag to Painwheel mid-combo and continue it without spending meter

      • Robo Fortune/Cerebella being yet another case where anchor Robo is not a favorable position, but Cerebella can easily get a sliding knockdown from her combos then tag Robo Fortune in safely, even if you don't get a combo (though you can in the corner)

      • Fortune/Big Band's synergy is heavily one-sided in Fortune's favor, but both characters fight well alone and Fortune with Big Band's assists with the addition of a duo's health and damage is a major problem