Team Building Positions

Here’s a summary of the preferred positions for each character. 

This isn’t law by any means. Experiment at your leisure. 



High Meter Build



*Fake Anchor

Goes Anywhere

Point: Every character likes playing point backed up by good assists, so realistically every character fits here. The point characters listed under "Selfish" are those who are much less effective in other positions due to their mediocre team support, and just bring a ton more value in being enabled by their teammates. The "Point only" characters, in a sense, though certain team setups can still make them work in other positions. The High Meter Build point characters, of course, have higher-than-average meter gain they can build for the rest of the team.

Middle: The good mids have good assists and, most importantly, good DHCs in either utility or damage output. They are also typically worth enabling with an assist to bolster their strengths or cover some of their weaknesses.

Anchor: The anchor characters have good support value and good comeback/robbery potential when they have meter to spend. They also (mostly) fare well without assists supporting them, through having good **pre-hit mixup or pressure, and ideally good solo neutral.

*This was explained in certain character’s sections, but a Fake Anchor is a character that you start the match out with in an anchor position with the intent on tagging or DHC’ing them in before the rest of your team dies and they end up fighting alone. Popular reasons for a character playing the Fake Anchor include:

**Pre-hit defines situations where you're trying to crack open the opponent's defense outside of resets or knockdown setups. Characters with strong pre-hit mix tend to have safe overhead options (airdashers, Parasoul/Squigly command overheads) and/or strong throws that are easy to combo after (Double, Fukua with meter)