Character Overviews

The Glue

Annie, Big Band, Cerebella, Double, *Robo Fortune

If you ever feel like your team is missing “something”, these characters can typically fill in that something. If you put together a two character combination that’s a little “weird”, one of these characters will come in with the love and support and make that combo stronger. Each character’s move set holds something that can fulfill a variety of roles. Lockdown, Space-Control, Defense, Combo Conversions, and even a Marvel beam assist from Robo Fortune. You’ll find one of these characters on a large majority of teams, as they have some of the strongest assists, can fit into any position on a team, AND don't require specific assists to bring out their potential, bringing lots of flexibility in both choosing partners, and changing your order and assists on a match-to-match basis.

That said, you don’t NEED to play these characters. Several top level players don’t, you’ll just have to think a bit harder if you want to “optimize” your team composition.

*Robo Fortune does not have the same team position flexibility as the other Glue characters as she is not the most ideal anchor character due to her comeback potential being pretty paltry with her low damage and poor defense. That said, her Theonite Beam assist easily being one of the best in the game means that it's never a bad idea to throw her on a team, even if it's as an anchor.

The Points

Selfish: Beowulf, Ms. Fortune, Valentine

High Meter Build: Beowulf, Cerebella, Eliza, Ms. Fortune, Peacock

Every character makes for a good point character since everyone likes getting extra help. The points mentioned here just have something special worth noting.

The Selfish characters have mediocre team support, so they bring more to a team by being enabled by their partners to go buckwild. 

The High Meter Build characters build a lot of meter in their combo routes, while also not relying on meter to optimize their gameplan. In Peacock's case, she builds most of her meter through her zoning patterns, and while she can spend this meter to strengthen her control of neutral and capitalize more from her zoning, she doesn't NEED to do so to remain a high level threat. Aside from the selfish characters (for most team compositions), these characters can also fill other slots on a team pretty well.

The Resource Characters

Beowulf, Squigly, Robo Fortune, Valentine

These characters, as the name says, use resources to reach their full potential. These resources are built as a part of their own moveset, and not to be confused with super meter. Said resources can be risky to build solo during neutral play, so they all greatly benefit from assists that give them time to build resources in the middle of a combo, while also letting them continue the combo afterward. The most notable of these types of “Resource Assists” are:

You’ll often see these characters on point, sometimes mid. Usually in trios to have a resource assist and another assist to assist in neutral/defense/pressure. Generally fine to pair two of them on a team together, as while they are resource characters, it's not like they are fighting over the same resource.

The Rest

Black Dahlia, Filia, Fukua, Painwheel, Parasoul, Squigly, Umbrella

Characters that were too cool to fall into any other category. To go a bit more in-depth: