Example Teams

If you want a specific type of team, or are trying to see what character you can add to your team to strengthen or cover a weakness, this section is for you.

I want to hold forward and rush down

Rushdown characters

Non-rushdown characters with "aggressive" assists

Great assists that either help close the distance in neutral, or provide lockdown to aid in your pressure

I want to be a distance demon

Projectile zoning characters

Mid-range Space control characters 

Partners that make your zoning/space control stronger

Good Anchors

I want to force the opponent to play at my pace

Play outside my opponent’s range with movement and wait for them to overcommit 

I want to ignore/dominate neutral 

Assist wise, go for the usual space control and DP assists to either speed things up or slow the match down as you wish. 

I want Explosive damage

Heavy Hitters

Damaging DHCS

Damaging Assists/Lead to damaging routes

I don’t want to block

This will only focus on Big Band, Fortune, Filia, and Cerebella as they have the best defensive options in the game. 

Best DPs/DP Assists 

Best Defensive Supers 

Best Alpha Counter Options 

Best options against air resets 

Example Team - Fortune [Dash] / Bella [H Lock ‘n’ Load] / Big Band [M Beat Extend] 

Every character has a DP/defensive option that gives a followup combo. Top tier DP assist, and an armored assist that works both offensively and defensively. Every character has among the scariest Alpha Counter options (suddenly, “safe” DHCs aren’t so safe!), while simultaneously being good batteries to build the meter necessary. 

I want to do ludicrous amounts of chip damage and relive the days where chip killed

Robo [H Theonite Beam] / Double [Hornet Bomber] OR [Cilia Slide] / Eliza [H Osiris Spiral]

I want setplay and okizeme

Beowulf [L/H Hurting Hurl] / X / Big Band [Take the ‘A’ Train] 

Refer to the Beowulf section. Other characters can run hard knockdown okizeme setups, but with how Undizzy works… and with how Beowulf likes to ignore Undizzy, this is your best option by far. 


Doesn’t play the hard knockdown game, but in any situation her combos lead into multi-layered mixups involving her Forever a Clone series of specials. On top of high/low/left/right/command throw, another part of the mixup is in whether Fukua decides to attack ahead of her clone and commit, or let the clone lead the charge while she stays safe, making it very scary to challenge her. Unfortunately, she has to worry about Undizzy more than Beowulf which results in more mixing being required.

“Weird/Interesting” High Placing Teams

If you want to watch match videos to show how certain teams or shells look in action, consult one of the match databases

@/Ping/Whatever me (KhaosMuffins) if there’s a team you think should be added.

Peacock [L George] / Cerebella [H Lock ‘n’ Load] 

Parasoul [L Napalm Shot] / Double [Cilia Slide] / Beowulf [H Hurting Hurl]