

SGIS facilitates sporting events and competitions between its members through its Executive Sports Committee. It does not take responsibility for organizing the events, which are planned, managed, and executed by the host school. The host school takes responsibility for ensuring that events take all reasonable measures to ensure the well-being and safety of its participants and staff. 

To promote inter-school sports competition at every level, the SGIS Sports Committee, composed of the member schools’ Sports or Athletic Directors, shall be established. The SGIS Sports Committee shall recommend the appointment of one of its members as the SGIS Sports Chair to the Executive Committee, based on the Executive Sports Committee Structure’ established in 2020: 

Executive Sports Committee Structure 


A sustainable Executive Sports Committee structure needs to: 

Executive Sports Committee 

The SGIS Executive Sports Committee will consist of: 


Chair - elected within the Executive Committee for a two year term with the ability to renew (rollover) for an additional two year term. Should other applicants be present, a vote within the Executive Committee is required to secure one additional term. At the conclusion of the second term, the Chair must step down.


Commitment and Stipend: CHF 1’000 per year 


If a Vice-Chair is present, then they assume the role as Chair after one TWO year term of the chair. If no Vice-Chair elected, position is made available to the Executive Committee members. Responsibilities: 

Commitment and Stipend: CHF 500 per year 


The Secretary position will be nominated by the Executive Sports Committee for the duration of three years. Sports Secretaries do not need to be Directors/Heads of Sports and will not rotate into a Chair position. The Secretary role is a non-voting position on both the Executive Committee and within the full SGIS organisation. The only exception to this is if they are representing their school as the Athletic Director/Head of Sport. They should be very experienced in sports administration and liaise with an SGIS Director/Head of Sports. 


Commitment and Stipend: CHF 3’000 per year 


The committee members will be nominated by self, individual members or Executive Sports Committee members and appointed by a majority vote at the annual general meeting. Nominated individuals will be asked to present a written paragraph of intent and skills they bring to the committee, plus present themselves at the AGM with the possibility to answer questions. 

Committee members need to represent Red and White schools, Swiss German, French and Italian regions, as well as mountain and urban schools. When a member of the Sports Committee leaves the position (no longer going to be head of sport for their school), then the position becomes available to be filled by any member of the SGIS AGM. A secret ballot will take place if more nominations arise than places. Responsibilities: 


Executive Sports Committee meetings take place prior to the main AGM meetings, either the day before, but ideally 2 weeks prior to get Notice of Motions confirmed and set the Agenda for the meeting.

A resignation notice period of at least three months shall be given by a resigning Sports Chair, Co-chair or Secretary. 

SGIS Executive Sports Committee Chair, Co-Chair and Secretary stipends are due to be paid at the end of each school year, by June, for the service of the respective school year.

The present SGIS Executive Sports Committee: 

Chair: Craig Wislang ISL


Secretary: Andrew Grover, ISZN

Executive Sport Committee Members: Grant Walker, La Chat, Masa Yo TASIS, Matt Clark IIL, Mark Hendry La Cote

Sports Responsibilities:

Badminton - 


Cross Country







Track & Field

