General Information

Responsibilities of Member Schools

SGIS Competitions

The recommendation is to host: 

If there is a special circumstance that stops a school from offering to host, then the AD must speak to the SGIS Sports Chair at the Calendar Meeting. It is possible that schools without facilities can use another school's facility in order to host their tournament. 

By accepting to host an SGIS sports tournament, the responsibility is on the school and the Athletic Director of that school. Hosting schools must be fully committed and prepared to assist visiting schools in the following ways: 

Seasonal Sports

SGIS Sports has a seasonal sporting approach, allowing for stronger competitions. The sports generally fall into the following seasons: 

Autumn: Football (indoor & outdoor CAT A – CAT D), Volleyball, Cross Country, and Unihockey (Floorball). 

Winter: Basketball, Skiing, Badminton, Swimming, primary indoor Football. 

Spring: Tennis, Golf, Track & Field (Athletics), Primary Outdoor Football and Volleyball Cat C + D (Dance and Gymnastics to be reviewed). 

The SGIS tournament will happen within the seasons allocated above. There is one SGIS championship competition for every sport. Due to the seasonal and historical nature of category A Basketball, there are two SGIS championships: one in Autumn and one in Winter.

SGIS Notice of Motion

60% adoption rate is required to pass from those voting, meaning that if 20 schools vote and 9 schools say no, then it doesn’t pass.

Voting for Red or White school-specific changes should only be done by that group

General handbook changes are open for all to vote

Should a school wish to abstain from voting, their vote will not count against the total number of votes.

If a motion is submitted late or at the meeting, a 95% acceptance vote is required and changes to the handbook require 100% acceptance

Any Notice of Motion to change, amend or remove a published rule or section of the handbook or to add additional clarification to the handbook must be submitted via this form to the Chairperson before the published date.