Web-based Dictionary (English to Korean) of Semiconductor Terminologies : Semi-Terms

Translator : Prof. Sungsik Lee

Department of Electronics Engineering, Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea

Homepage: www.lee-laboratory.org, Email: sungsiklee@pusan.ac.kr, Phone: +82-51-510-3123

This website called "of Semi-Terms" has been designed for an easier and more appropriate search for semiconductor terminologies (shortened as "Semi-Terms") translated in Korean, since it was created on 4th August 2019 by Prof. Sungsik Lee, Pusan National University. Here, it is believed that this kind of the web-based dictionary for semiconductor terminologies translated from English to Korean languages would be very useful especially for Korean researchers including professors and students who are dealing with the semiconductor-related tasks in terms of their research and educational purposes with respect to the semiconductor-terminology translation from English to Korean (see below on how to use this website).

3 steps of how to use this website (click the image to magnify)

Declaration and Information

We declare that this website is basically for a non-profit purpose, but an educational purpose without any financial benefit, along with a book-translation license agreement between the Hantee media and the Pearson. And the contents of this website are based on the index section of the book entitled 'Integrated Microelectronic Devices' (written by Prof. Alamo at MIT) which was originally published by the Pearson in US and is also to be published as a translated version in Korean through the Hantee media. In this translation project, Prof. Sungsik Lee at PNU is involved as the representative translator (lead translator / translator-in-chief for the translation in Korean) handling the preface/index/introductory translations and editing for the entire translated manuscript which done by other contributing translators contracted with the Hantee media as the counterpart publisher with the Pearson.

Copyright (2019 onward): Prof. Sungsik Lee – All rights reserved for all the contents which he created and translated in Korean.