Scouthike does allow for Combined Patrols, that is, Scouts from different Groups/Units to join together to form a single Patrol. This is recommended for Units that may only have one or two Scouts attending and cannot get enough Scouts from their home Unit to form a Patrol.

Here are the steps required to be performed when registering so that it will allow for combining Units' registration on the Manningham booking site:

First Step: The Unit with Scouts to be placed with another Unit (the ‘donor Unit’) needs to log on to the Event Booking system “Register Patrols”, select “Group Sharing”, then “Add” and enter themselves as “Group to Share” and the hosting Group as “Share With”

Second Step: The Unit hosting the Scouts needs to log on as normal to “Register Patrols” and they will be able to search and add the Scouts from the donor Unit. However the host Unit will not see the list of Scouts from the donor Unit but they will be discoverable using the Search function.