Paul De Araugo 0419405243 Scout Commissioner – Mt Dandenong Region scouts.comm.mtdandenong@scoutsvictoria.com.au
Ian Talbett 03 9898 6662 italbett@gmail.com
Ian Lancaster 0413 026494 ian.lancaster@scoutsvictoria.com.au
PLEASE NOTE - HQ TEAM are normally at Tallarook on the Thursday afternoon before scout hike and may not be able to answer any email on phone inquiries.
Try the whats app link Have a question , need some help - Contact us on SCOUTHIKE VIC Q&A on Whats app
The headquarters HQ team is made up of a group of dedicated leaders and volunteers. Their role during ScoutHike is to provide a clear leadership role for the leaders and youth attending.
Sleep point logistics. toilets, water etc
Planning of activities and sites
Bus and self transport management.
Road and vehicle safety.
First Aid
4 x 4 team
Emergency incident management.
Coordination of other services