
Troopmaster is a web and mobile app software that we license for keeping track of Scout records.  It's also used for:

The TM Mobile app for Android and iPhone allows Scouts and Troop leaders to check Scout records and allows leaders to update Scout records.

Access Troopmaster Web

Every Scout and Parent can logon to Troopmaster Web if they have an email address.  New Scouts/parents will get an email invitation to Troopmaster.  Please login to Troopmaster with the initial password and then change it to something you can remember.  We highly recommend Scouts to get email addresses so they can be responsible for information that is sent to them.  The youth leaders also use email to communicate to the Troop.  If you need to have your Troopmaster password reset, please contact Alan Williams.

Access TM Mobile App

Download the TM Mobile app for your smartphone.  Scouts and parents should bookmark the Troopmaster Web URL and also install the Troopmaster App on their smartphones.

Troopmaster Web

(enter State: California, Unit Number: 116) - you should be able to configure your browser so you don't need to enter that everytime

Click the login link at the top left

UserID: First.Last (for example, Alan.Williams)

Password: <sent to you in the email>

If you need the password again - let me know and I can email another automatic email with a new password.  I can't see the password or change it manually.

Once you login, please update your password to something you can remember

Troopmaster App (on smartphone)

Download TM Mobile on iOS and Android

Click on settings (crossed axe/shovel icon)

Select "TroopMaster Web 2.0 Settings"

Click on "Select Account"

Select "California"

Select "116"

UserID: First.Last

Password: <sent to you in email> or what you updated it to when you logged into the website