

Troop 116, like many organizations, needs to raise money in addition to the activity fee we charge.  We have two fundraisers every year - Popcorn and Scout-o-Rama tickets.  Each of these has a minimum buy-in for $100 for every Scout.  Scouts have an option to either sell it to their family (buy-in) or to sell it to others.

Popcorn - while the minimum is $100, we encourage Scouts to sell at least $200.  Part of the Scout sales can be used by a Scout to pay for Scout camp or other Troop expenses.  We encourage parents to work with Scouts to teach them how to be responsible for part of their Scouting costs.  The Popcorn Kernel creates a standard $100 popcorn bundle for each Scout to buy (this is mandatory).  If the Scout wants a different mix of popcorn in the $100 bundle, they need to contact the Popcorn Kernel before the deadline for changes.  The Scout can then sell this to parents, neighbors, relatives, friends.  Additional popcorn can also be sold to help raise more money - goal is $200 in sales for each Scout.

Scout-o-Rama - tickets to the annual May Scout-o-Rama event is normally $10 each.  Each Scout is responsible for selling 10 tickets ($100).  There are coupons that easily make up the cost of the ticket (varies each year, but normally $10 at OSH, sometimes Great America, Big 5, Dicks Sporting Goods..) - along with the ticket to go to Scout-o-Rama.  Parents that make several trips to OSH each year can benefit from multiple tickets.

From the Troop 116 Popcorn Kernel - Jooseong Ham (hanneis@gmail.com)

Please send me your popcorn order by email or text to me ASAP. The deadline is 10/13 (Friday) by 6:00 PM , I have to organize and submit the orders to BSA by 10 PM.

All I need is the popcorn names and how many by email or text (408-334-4899).

The minimum order is $100 per scout and the goal is $250 per scout.

Send me something like below for your order. It is also ok to write on the paper and send me the photo. What I need is the popcorn names, how many, and the scout name.

Example 1  John  

Example 2 Martin 

Where to sell

Try to sell to the group that you belong to such as church, sports clubs and school, friends, family members, neighbors, or someone who would be interested in buying like Alan Williams and/or Chris Nilson. It is possible that  they are just waiting for scouts to sell the popcorn to them. 

About 25% of the sale money goes to scout's account so that the scouts can use the credit towards any scout activity like CHS and Troop fee, etc..

You can also try the Online Sale. Here are the link for the Online selling resources:



6 Simple Steps to Selling Popcorn with Luke (video below or at this link):

Popcorn Form

Below (and at this link)

Troop incentives

So far Troop 116 attended to the Popcorn University, Popcorn Kick-off, and did the popcorn kick-off  at the troop meeting and submitted the event proof to the BSA facebook so we got the additional commissions. Now we need to sell the popcorn.
