2022 AGM

SACTA  2022 AGM Minutes

Saturday November 5th, 10am  Ross Memorial Library


Attendees: Mary Wobma, Keith Wobma, Mike Power, Francie Lord, Susan Marpole, Mark Clark, Steve Taylor, Jenni Loudwell, Peter Lyman.

Apologies: David Robichaud, Derek Stafford


Approval of the Minutes from the 2021 AGM

Motion to accept:Jenni Loudwell, Seconded Mike Power.



President – Mary has requested a meeting with the town manager of recreational services (Will Kernohan). Date to be advised. Requests for court repair schedule and a washroom facility submitted. Vandalism and non-tennis related activities at the courts are being reported to the town.  Visitor court use needs clarification - mostly for hotel guests. Suggested that members explain signup procedure so that visitors are able to play.


Treasurer – Mark presented a summary of the finances for the year. Expenses were $92.50 greater than income, however the overall position is $13,645.29.


Membership – Total membership is 68 of which 10 are youth members. Numbers are beginning to recover from a Covid influenced number of 59. Several families join each year but do not always rejoin the following year. Suggestions: in the spring look into reasons for families not returning and individual members who have not returned this year. Jenni will email/contact.


Tournaments – No club tournaments were played this year. There was no interest expressed by members for these. The 23rd Memorial tournament was played with 22 members taking part.


Masters – The 14th Masters was played with 56 players taking part, 8 less than 2021. All matches were played on the town courts. With no Covid restrictions in place, people were likely to be visiting family and friends which may account for the lower entry. No merchant solicitation again this year. The Red Herring added to the sponsor total, now $1,000.00. The Algonquin donated 2 vouchers for a round of golf which helped reduce the prize money to $550.00. Thanks go to everyone who helped make the tournament a continuing success.


Adult lessons – 9 people signed up. Reasons for the low number are likely to be the same as noted above in the Masters report. Lessons were 8 weeks this year to allow for re-scheduling due to weather. Derek suggested the $80.00 fee be reviewed for next year. Those at the meeting agreed. Derek thanked Wilf and Keith for giving up their time and to Mary for arranging court bookings with the town. Dates for next year's lessons should be at the same time with early posting of the lessons in the usual places in town. Derek will post one at the golf club, if allowed.


Youth Camp – Keith presented a comprehensive review of the camp and other youth activities, 14 players attended the camp (7 were repeat attendees), progress was made by all the children. Some continued with private lessons. Each child was given a T-shirt and they were very well received. Thanks to Gail Clark for her assistance with the purchase and printing of the shirts.

Suggestion was made to set up a regular time for the children to play. The manager of recreation for the town will be asked to help find a suitable time as there are many activities in the summer. Promotion – CHCO, Courier and Facebook.

Keith was able to hold 2 Tennis Tuesday sessions at Vincent Massey School.

Balls were given to the Youth Centre and the Passamaquoddy Children’s Centre.


Social Tennis – There was little or no attendance this year. This session is intended to attract non members as well as members so promotion of the day/time needs to be improved.


MXD (Saturday & Sunday play) – Mike reported 38 players were involved (22days over 13 weekends) with 138 matches played. Best attendance Richard Clark and Jenni Loudwell. Wilf did a lot of work organising the sessions and he is thanked very much for this. It was a very popular and we hope it will continue. 



Should details on the circulated membership list be restricted to name and phone number to protect the privacy of the members.    

This was discussed and it was decided that name and email address only will be circulated.


The building of an indoor tennis facility at UNBSJ has been proposed. A partnership between UNBSJ and Fundy Tennis has been announced. Each tennis club and individual tennis players are being asked to pledge a level of support for the project. Discuss the project and consider what level of support (financial) SACTA might be prepared to make.

Motion to commit SACTA to the project with a donation of $1,000.00. Francie Lord, Seconded Susan Marpole. All voted in favour. No funds will be sent until the project is started in 2023.

Details will be emailed to the membership as individual donations will be accepted.


Change the date of the AGM – this has been discussed and agreed that the end of the season is the appropriate time for an AGM. This does mean that summer residents are not able to attend. Membership will be emailed to see if an earlier date is preferred.


Pickleball – a general discussion took place with the outcome being that the players should continue to pursue court possibilities with the town. It was acknowledged that it is a rapidly growing sport and facilities are needed in St. Andrews. Peter Lyman's suggestion was that we might work with pickle ball enthusiasts so that eventually there might be room in the SACTA tent for them. The sentiment of the group was to refer this to the executive for further discussion. 


Court/Area Maintenance – Keith has made 2 new benches for the courts. He will repair the sign up cabinet and the publication board.


Items to be discussed by the executive – replacement of the score boards on the courts.

A Family Day in the spring.




Past President - Wilfred Young Lai
President - Mary Wobma
1st Vice Pres. - Steve Taylor
2nd Vice Pres. - David Robichaud
Secretary - Jenni Loudwell
Treasurer - Mark Clark
Social Convenor -
Youth Co-Ordinators - Keith Wobma, Derek Stafford, Wilfred Young-Lai
Member-at Large - Mike Power


Motion to approve:  Susan Marpole, seconded Peter Lyman, approved.