2019 AGM


Saturday November 16th, 10am at ASF

Brunch was held at 10am. The meeting began at 10.30am

Attendees: Mary Wobma, Jenni Loudwell, Caroline MacDougall, Keith Wobma, Wilf Young-Lai, Francie Lord, Debi Martin – Robichaud, Irene Scarratt, Derek Stafford, Ted Michener, Mark Clark.

Apologies: Mike Power

Approval of Minutes of 2018 AGM.

Motion by Jenni Loudwell to accept minutes, Seconded Keith Wobma, carried


Treasurer – Mark Clark reviewed the year's finances, noting that SACTA contributed $4.350.00 toward the refurbishment of the courts, the remainder of the $20K came from businesses, members and local people.

SACTA's bank balance at Oct. 31st 2019 is $9927.12

Motion by Mark Clark to accept report, seconded Irene Scarratt, carried.

Membership - Jenni Loudwell reported a total of 92 members, 25 families are included. 24 new members, 7 families (19 members).Three new members came from the Oceanfront campground. Discussion: Ted Michener will use SACTA membership as the subject for a cartoon in the St. Croix Courier next spring.

Suggest we put SACTA information on the campground notice board at the St Croix campground.

Motion by Jenni Loudwell to accept the report, seconded Francie Lord, carried.

Tournaments – Mark Clark reported holding the SACTA club tournaments on one weekend was again successful. Ladies doubles had the best entry numbers. The Memorial was successful, as usual a high number of entries. The Wake Up event was better attended this year. Discussion: An attempt should be made to host a youth tournament on a suitable weekend. The out of town people who joined to play in the club tournament was not seen as an issue.

Motion by Mark Clark to accept the report, seconded Wilf Young-Lai, carried.

Masters - Jenni Loudwell reported entry numbers were down this year, perhaps as a result of a wet weather forecast. Some matches were played on Friday evening, most of Saturday was rained out with Sunday matches played as one pro set. The date for next year is one week earlier.

Food was successful. Salmon skewers were very successful (thanks to Chris Taylor for BBQing them). Sandwiches were from Lumberjacks and fruit, granola bars and home made cookies were appreciated.

The event made a $600.00 profit – generous support by local merchants covered the cost of prizes. Thanks to Keith Wobma for coordinating the donations from the merchants. Various companies once again supported the event. Irene Scarratt wrote 48 thank you letters.

Motion by Jenni Loudwell to accept report, seconded Carolyn MacDougall.

Social Tennis – Mary Wobma reported that Saturday morning was more popular than Wednesday evening. We will need to promote membership is not required for these sessions. We will use gently used balls for social tennis next year.

Motion by Mary Wobma to accept report, seconded by Ted Michener, carried.

Lessons – Adults - Derek Stafford reported 14 registered (4 new members) . Weather impacted and makeup hours were added to the last lessons. Thanks to Keith and Wilf. Wilf worked with Emma and Mike which worked well. Next year's date for the start is June 8th.

Motion by Derek Stafford to accept report, seconded by Debi Martin-Robichaud, carried.

Youth – Keith Wobma reported there were 22 players at the summer camp, a few less than last year. Next year's camp dates are July 6th and 13th.

Vincent Massey Tennis Tuesdays in March, April and May successful again, will be held again next year. SJDA does not see tennis as a priority and Rufus Nel (head coach at the Abony Centre (will visit the school).

There is the possibility of a date for the Tennis Canada Rookie tour.

The Youth Centre and ASF had tennis days.

Motion by Keith Wobma to accept the report, seconded by Caroline MacDougall.

Other Business:

Membership - Ted Michener will use SACTA membership as the subject for a cartoon in the St. Croix Courier.

Francie Lord suggested our information be put at the St. George courts. Information to be posted at the St. Andrews arena. Suggest we put SACTA information on the campground notice board at the St Croix campground.

Earlier SACTA records were received from John Perry and Nancy Aiken, Jenni Loudwell to email thanks.

The cracks on the courts have been reported to the Town. Mary Wobma will send second followup email. The net post area on court 1 is not good. The permanent canopy has moved in the last wind storm.

Keith Wobma has completed the Respect course given by the Tennis Professionals Assn. The completion certificate will be posted on the noticeboard.

Irene Scarratt proposed a thank you for the $20K raised to contribute to the cost of the court refurbishment as requested by the town.

The virtual plaque on the SACTA website and Facebook page will be amended to reflect this.

Executive Positions:

Article Six of the constitution was reviewed, Members should be advised of the Executive positions and the process of filling them. The current executive will handle this with the possible increase in the number of Members at Large.

Proposed executive.

Past President - Wilfred Young Lai

President - Mary Wobma

1st Vice Pres. - Steve Taylor

2nd Vice Pres. - David Robichaud

Secretary - Jenni Loudwell

Treasurer - Mark Clark

Social Convenor - Caroline MacDougall

Youth Co-Ordinators - Keith Wobma, Derek Stafford, Wilfred Young-Lai

Member-at Large - Mike Power

The above positions were approved by the meeting attendees.

Caroline MacDougall was thanked for the bunch.

Motion for adjournment: Wilfred Young-Lai