2021 News

Wednesday evening social tennis resumes Weds Aug. 11 at 6pm (sharp)

Social tennis will resume on Wednesday (August 11th) at 6pm. Steve will once again be dealing the cards so come on out and join in. Every level of player is welcome, and all are encouraged to take part in doubles play.

A great way for new members to meet other members. No expertise in doubles is required, just come along and be ready for the first round card deal at 6pm.

It's a drop-in session so no sign up is needed. SACTA membership is not required. As a member you are encouraged to bring along a friend who might enjoy some social doubles play.

2021 Membership Notice

Our 2020 season was significantly impacted by the COVID 19 restrictions. However, a significant amount of tennis was played despite not being able to participate in the usual events and activities.

The executive has decided that dues will be charged this season.

The dues are the same; $40.00 for an individual and $60.00 for a family.

There is a slight change to the etransfer email address: sacta.treasurer@gmail.com

When an etransfer is sent to this email it is automatically deposited into the SACTA account. No password needs to be sent. We would prefer an etransfer or a cheque.

Cheques may be sent to: SACTA Treasurer, P.O. Box 3908, St. Andrews E5B 3S8

Once again COVID protocols currently in place do not allow for our usual activities – social tennis, lessons, tournaments and the youth camp. As the season progresses, we hope to be able to hold some of these activities depending on the pandemic situation.

We appreciate your support an understanding during the continuing pandemic.

SACTA Executive

June 2021 Executive Meeting Update

We would like to update you all of some of the decisions taken at a meeting of the SACTA executive earlier this week.

The town is to post a no skateboarding sign at the courts. There have been several instances of skateboarding and at least once there has been a youngster sitting on the net on court 1. There has been no further evidence of stones being used to draw on the courts.

If you see non-tennis activity on the courts please notify Mary Wobma (529 - 4442)

The TNB Masters will be held on August 6th, 7th and 8th. Tennis New Brunswick has plans to run the event regardless of which recovery phase is in place. The tournament was successfully held last year when more restrictive measures were in effect.

The Memorial tournament is planned for Saturday August 21st, rain date Sunday August 22nd.

The Youth Camp and Adult Lessons have been deferred until next year. Should the province move to the green phase on

August 2nd there would not be enough time to schedule and run these programs.

The windscreens will not be used.

SACTA Executive