
5/5: New Shinshinim Activity:

Click this link to see the lesson:

This is a very cool and special gallery for Israel's 72nd Independence Day!

(open it on a computer 😉)

4/21: New Activity from our Shinshinim!

Watch these videos and then fill out the form!

Hi everyone, as you all know, all the Shinshinim went home due to the Coronavirus. I am sending this email from Israel :)

I wanted to send you an Email to thank you all for this amazing half year. In each Hebrew school or EC center I met amazing kids, and had a great time. Thank you so much for making me feel a part of your amazing communities. Being far from home wasn’t easy, and you made me feel like I never left it.

I hope that things will calm down, and I will be able to thank you in person (and to see the kids of course)

Wishing for better times,


Hi everyone!

Unfortunately as you all know due to the crisis, the Jewish Agency decided to take all shinshinim from all over the world back to Israel. With everything happening so quickly, I didn’t have time to say goodbye properly.

After a few days in Israel, I want to say thank you!

I had the best time taking part of the amazing RSNS community. I felt so home in this synagogue. I’m so happy I got to connect with you all, teach you about Judaism from my Israeli perspective, and just have fun while doing it.

You all are amazing kids, I’m very glad I got to meet you and be apart of your lives for this time of the year.

Hope everyone is safe and healthy. We’re all in this together and it’s crazy to see how shockingly similar the situation is in Israel, Long Island, and the rest of the world.

Love from Israel and you can freely contact me on -


  • Ori