Sheri Hebrew Lesson 3/17

Hey there, Hay class!

It’s Susan, your sub when Morah Sheri’s in Australia. Hope you and your families and friends are all doing okay during these unusual times. I had been looking forward to seeing you all again and sharing Morah Sheri’s ideas with you in person. So we’ll just have to do this online! Just follow these steps to get pumped for Passover!

1. To get you in the mood, listen to Bim-bam Ma Nishtana.

2. Next, read the Passover Story

3. Read Questions from Morah Sheri

The Four Questions: The Centerpiece of the Seder

Why is this night different from all other nights of the year?

1. On all other nights, we eat leavened or unleavened bread (matza). Tonight – only matza.

2. On all other nights, we eat all kinds of vegetables. Tonight – bitter herbs (maror).

3. On all other nights, we don’t have to dip even once. Tonight – we dip twice.

(We dip parsley in salt water and bitter herbs in charoset.)

4. On all other nights, we eat either sitting up straight or reclining. Tonight – we all recline.

Questions from Morah Sheri about the Four Questions:

Why does this important task of kicking off the story of Passover fall to the youngest person at the Seder?

What’s the theme of all four questions?

What are the answers to the questions?

Why do we make a big deal about the Four Questions?

Who in life asks questions?

Can people who are enslaved or oppressed ask questions?

What’s the purpose of changing up our routines and doing something in a different way?

Why do you think three answers bring us back to remembering being slaves, even though we haven’t been slaves for over 3000 years now?

And why do you think only one answer is specifically about being free?

Do you think there are better questions to be asked today?

If you were writing a Passover Haggadah, would you keep the original four questions and/or write four new questions?

4. Check out the answers

5. Listen to the Maccabeats’ version of Ma Nishtana.

It’s awesome – Ma Nishtanah never sounded this good. Check out the wine glasses. There actually is a way to play glasses filled with liquid to get decent sounds. (I do think it’s amplified on this video, but still…) Also, don’t lick your finger the way the guy in the center does when he turns a page. Keep you fingers away from your face, and wash your hands!!

Hopefully Morah Sheri will continue with our online learning next week. If she gets stuck among the kangaroos and koalas, however, I’ll be back!

Have fun, and think about inviting your parents to join you as you follow these steps. The more the merrier!

L'hitraot – להתראות –see you soon!


PS Please feel free to contact me with any questions or just to say hi. My email: