Miriam and Allison Lesson 5/5

Join us on Tuesday 5/5 on Zoom at this link for a lesson from Morah Miriam and Morah Allison. Click this link to join: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6080641475

Meeting ID: 608-064-1475

Allison's Lesson: We will be learning all about our Hebrew names. We will see which letters we recognize, ones we do not and learn them, practice writing them and pronouncing them, and seeing which letters we share in our names.

Miriam's Lesson:

Big Idea: Whats Jewish about “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”.

Target: Jewish Values Kavod Respect/Teshuvah repentance/Kedushah holiness

Story: Goldilocks Learns A Jewish Lesson

How do these values connect to this story?

What Jewish values can you identify with this story?

Here is some Hebrew vocabulary related to the story. Draw a picture of your family and use the vocabulary list to label your picture.