Scopes Tree of Evolution


On this ride, the tree of evolution is shown as a swing. The trunk depicts what we know of the evolutionary tree so far according to the animal kingdoms, fungi, animalia, protista, monera, and plantae. On top of the shaft of the ride is common tree foliage making the whole ride appear to be a tree, but the swings hang down from the branches. The strings are attached to the foliage by metal chain and there is a metal chair at the bottom where the rider is strapped in and is swung around the base as if on a common swing ride. The ride lasts about two minutes and 30 seconds as the top of the ride tilts and spins in various directions.


Thanks to John Thomas Scopes, a school teacher, we should all be educated about what evolution is and therefore understand the meaning of this ride. In July of 1925, Scopes was prosecuted for violating the Tennessee Butler Act prohibiting the teaching of evolution in schools. This trial decided whether the teachings of the bible or the teachings of modern science was to be teached in public schools. Scopes was originally fined 100 dollars, but he then purposefully incriminated himself further after a grade a attorney Clarence Darrow agreed to take the case. The passion to achieve the proper education for the future children of america should be cherished forever through monuments like this ride.