Executive Summary

Here at roaring coasters, we pride ourselves on bringing the best food, coasters, and safety to our city of San Jose. The Pride that we feel to be a part of such an in demand industry is endless and we plan to utilize every bit of the influence that we gain to educate and advance our society through the use of entertainment.

The 1920s was a particularly special time in history because of the events that went on during this period and how they relate with current events. Although issues like nativism and racism were thriving, this was also a period of progression and growth and not only because of the economic boom after world war two. There was a huge boom in culture, giving another name for the 1920s, the Jazz Age because of the Harlem renaissance and the art that was brought up through it. However, many restrictions were also placed in this time period like the immigration act of 1924, or prohibition. But there was some light, the passage of the 19th amendment allowed rights for women, and the repeal of the Prohibition through the 20th Amendment. The duality of this time period is a good examples of the good and the bad that we can do, hopefully by including both sides of this topic into the park will we warn against repeating the errors of the past while pushing for progress in the future.

We, the owners of the company, are educators by any and all means. Now, some may say that this implies that we only seek to educate and not have fun, but it is quite the opposite. It has come to our attention that student actually learn much better when the lesson is associated with something fun, for example our characters are integrated with the teachings of evolution or our rides with a specific part of history.

The amusement park industry needs to be pushed to be more that just a place for fun, but a place for family bonding and education. We seek to build our brand of educational theme parks outward unto the rest of the United states, hopefully expanding to the point which there is an educational and historically themed amusement park ride in every state.