Jazz Twirl


This ride features four copies of Robert Freedman that are playing saxophones with comically enlarged openings that families with children and adults of all ages can get in. Once inside the saxophones, jazz music will start to play and the ride will start to spin as you can relax in the comfortable and welcoming interior that portrays a period of economic growth and comfort as well as an upbeat pertaining to general quality of life.

This ride goes at about 6 revolutions a minute for three minutes. This means that it travels at an angular speed of 0.21 radians/sec.


The Jazz Twirl features four jazz artist carrying saxophones with enlarged bells at the ends where four passengers can sit in each section. This ride represents the art and the thriving culture in the harlem renaissance during the 1920s time period. The figure inside of the ride is supposed to be the third evolution of this parks character, Robert Freeman. After world war 1, harlem became a place where art and music thrived because of the migration on african americans from the south fleeing from the caste system in place. Influential leaders such as W.E.B DuBois encouraged black artists to come and join the renaissance and be published by local, non-racist journals such as THE CRISIS magazine and the NAACP journals.