Reasoned Writing and A Framework for Scientific Papers are intended to encourage active learning through scientific writing (and reading). The RW/AFSP modules can help students learn fundamentals of scientific reasoning and writing while completing assignments that focus on specific content areas. I hypothesize that students learn more course content when the students are actively engaged in using content knowledge to construct and test scientific models and predictions.

For example, I base both the "Laboratory" and "Lecture" sections of my courses around specific projects that are assessed by written assignments. 

I design Laboratory activities not only to demonstrate course concepts, but to place concepts in the context of the scientific process used for discovery. Students generate hypotheses, collect and analyze data, and use their data to defend reasonable conclusions.

In "Lecture," I ask students to perform scientific "Case Studies" that focus on using peer-reviewed research studies to generate plausible and testable hypotheses.

Therefore, whereas case studies involve practicing writing effective Introduction sections, laboratories focus on interpreting Results. Both case studies and laboratories consider experimental methodology (i.e. the Methods section). However, due to time constraints, I do not require students to write extensive Discussion sections to interpret their data in context.

Below are links to pages with examples of laboratories and Case studies:


1) LABORATORY: Perceptual Adaptation


1) CASE STUDY: Practice and Learning