kookoo sabzi

KooKoo Sabzi Recipe


  • Eggs 2 to 3
  • Walnuts 2 tbsp
  • Liquid oil to the extent necessary
  • Coconut vegetable 500 g
  • Barberry 1 tbsp
  • Salt, black pepper and turmeric enough


To make chamomile greens, first rinse the coco greens, then rinse it and let your extra juice go. Keep the vegetables thoroughly. In the next step, place a suitable pan on the heat and pour some liquid oil into it.

Allow the oil to slightly heat, then add the coconut vegetable grown in a pan to the pan and add a little fry until it greens. The amount of frying greens depends on yourself and you can only tighten it a little until the vegetable juice evaporates.

At the same time, the more you grease, the more solid your cookies will be. After the vegetable is softened, remove it from the pan and leave it until the vegetable temperature drops and cools slightly.

Next, select an appropriate bowl and break the eggs in the bowl, add some salt, black pepper and turmeric powder to the eggs, mix the eggs thoroughly to make the spices perfectly homogeneous.

Coco Vegetables simply do not contain barberry and walnuts, but if you want to cook a special vegetable coco, add the nutmeg and barberry. Shred the walnut brain and add egg to the barberry.

After the coconut vegetable is cooled, add it to the eggs and mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth. After the vegetables have been cooked, cook it with a fry pan. To this end, put a good pan on the heat.

Pour some liquid oil into the pan and allow the oil to heat, then pour the coco greens into the pan and spray it with the back of the spoon so that it spreads across the entire pan with the same thickness and size.

Let the cocoa beans turn red, then split it into 4 parts and gently turn it back. After the other side of the coco is red, drain it into the container you want, and along with pickled tomatoes and served with bread.