bastani Talebi

Ingredients for 4 people

Cindy Ice Cream Ingredients

  • Sugar 150 g
  • Egg 1 pcs
  • Big Cinderella 1 pcs
  • Sweet cream 400 g
  • Salt ¼ teaspoonfuls
  • Flavorless 1 pc
  • Vanilla Sugar ¼ teaspoonfuls


How to make cantaloupe

To prepare the home-grooved ice cream, we first weed a tealipa and take the skin on it and cut it from the middle and bring the seeds into it and cut it over the cubes in the middle cubes and into the mixer. we pour

And let's take a thunderstorm, then take the mixer's pitcher door and place half the sugar on it and put the door to the pitcher and let the nibbles become fine and the sugar is dissolved there. Then pour the cauliflower into a pot

We put on warm heat to evaporate the water and thicken the nymph and then turn off the heat and wait until it cools. Before the powder is cooled, prepare the rest of the ingredients. We break the chicken breast into a large bowl. And we pour sugar on it

We mix well with the electric mixer to grind the egg and add the vanilla, salt and stir it again until the egg is aged and light colored and add the parsley to the ingredients. And we mix it up well with the material.

Then pour the sweet cream into a suitable bowl and mix well with the electric mixer to form, and when the dish is returned, the cream does not go out. Add the mold to the egg and mix a little of the ingredients. do

Add the casseroles and chilled sugar to the ingredients and mix with a little agitator to make it homogeneous. After preparing the thilli ice cream, place it in our container and place it in a freezer for 24 hours and bring it to the freezer every 2 to 3 hours.

We mix the ice cream with the electric mixer and place it again in the freezer, do this 4 times, and then allow the ice cream to be well prepared. After 24 hours we bring out the freezer and with the scoop, Make ice cream tares and put them in ice cream and drink.

source : طرز تهیه بستنی طالبی