khiyar shoor | Pickles

Salty cucumber pICKLES


  • Water 2 glasses

  • Garlic 5 pcs

  • Dip 100 grams

  • Tarragon 100 grams

  • Salt half a glass

  • Red pepper 3 pcs

  • White vinegar 1 glass

  • Cucumber 1 kg

  • White alumina a small piece

  • Coriander seeds ¼ teaspoonfuls

Thanks to parsiday ( طرز تهیه خیار شور )

Cucumber pickles Recipe

To prepare the domestic pickle, add the tarragon and place it in a drain to dry completely. Next, we add cucumbers and dry them. Make sure the vegetables and cucumbers are completely dry so that the cucumber does not mold when prepared.

After the vegetables are dry completely, pour water into the pot and add salt, vinegar to it, and place it on the heat until it is flushed and then turn off the flame and put the pot down until a mixture of salt vinegar Cool down

We graze and weigh the garlic and let it dry completely. Then, in the glass we have chosen, we make the cucumbers first from the bottom of a whole layer and put a red peppercorn between the cucumbers and add the tarragon, dill and some coriander seeds, and put 1 or 2 garlic in the cucumbers along with

And then we make the next layer the same way until it is completely filled with glass. To crack the pickles, you can put a small piece of white alder in the glass. Then, mix the cooled vinegar on the material inside the glass

To completely cover the cucumber and close the lid of the glass so that the air does not penetrate at all. Place the cucumber glass for 1 week in a cool and dry place to prepare the cucumber and then keep it in the refrigerator.

Photo via redmag