felalfel Recipe

Felafel Recipe

Python Blog : Education cooking falafel (a delicious dish with chickpeas)


  • Garlic 4 cubes
  • Pea 300 g
  • Egg 1 pcs
  • Parsley 100 g
  • Medium onion 1 pcs
  • Cumin 1 teaspoon
  • Coriander seeds 1 teaspoon
  • Chopped flour 2 tbsp
  • Enough frying oil
  • Salt, turmeric and black pepper to the extent necessary


  1. Note that if you want your falafel to evaporate like a falafel, you should have the peas long lasting in the water to thoroughly soften and nauseate. For this purpose, peas in a bowl for 24 to 48 hours.
  2. If it is possible to change how many times the cucumbers are changed. After the peas are well soaked, turn them around with garlic and onion twice. After pouring peas with garlic and onion, pour the ingredients into a suitable bowl.
  3. Then chop the parsley finely and add egg to the bowl containing chopped pea. In the next step, add the wheat bread flour to the falafel itself. At the last step, add flavors.
  4. To do this, grind the coriander seeds with cumin until they are completely powdered, then add some salt, black pepper and turmeric to the falafel. If you want your falafel to be spicy in the Southern style, you can also add some spicy red pepper.
  5. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and mix them thoroughly, and the spices will reach all areas of the falafel. After the falafel is prepared, place a hot dish like a hot dish on the heat and throw in the proper amount of liquid oil inside it.
  6. Note that you should pour so much liquid oil into the hot milk dish so that the falafels float in the oil after float. After the oil is hot, thaw the falafel and put it in the oil.
  7. If you do not have a special falafel mold, you can do it by hand. You have to take some of the falafel and shape it like a small casserole. In the end, put it a little bit like apple cocoa and put it in the oil.
  8. Note that you should not overload the capacity of the flask inside it, as this will cause the falafels to stick together. Another important point is that the heat under the container should be very gentle so that falafels are completely cured.
  9. Likewise, all falafels are fry and pour into a metal net to remove their excess oil. After the Falafels are fully prepared, feed them with tomatoes, pickles, fries and bread.

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