Diplomatic Relations

Proposed Diplomatic Relations of the Republic of Puerto Rico

In the book "PREXIT: Forging Puerto Rico's Path to Sovereignty", Javier A. Hernández proposes that Puerto Rico develop its own foreign policy and diplomatic relations.

Regarding diplomacy and foreign policy, Javier proposes the following institutions, diplomatic missions, agreements, alliances, and membership in various international organizations:

  • Various proposals regarding Puerto Rican foreign policy
  • the establishment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
  • the establishment and training of a professional and multilingual Diplomatic Service
  • the establishment of a Diplomatic Academy
  • the establishment of embassies and other diplomatic missions
  • various recommendations of other possible alliances, cooperation and trade agreements, reciprocal agreements, free transit and visa waiver agreements, international tax treaties, extradition agreements, regional arrest warrant treaties, and international conventions
  • memberships in regional and international organizations such as:
  1. the United Nations (UN) and UNESCO
  2. the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
  3. the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)
  4. the Association of Caribbean States (ACS)
  5. the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
  6. the Organization of Ibero-American States