Soccer Blast

Frequently Asked Questions

Universal Rule for Board Games - Players Decide Ambiguity: If players ever arrive at a situation not covered in the rulebook, and the rules offer no definitive answer, then players should feel free to decide what happens.

Q: How do referees become Hostile/Friendly?

A: Various Highlight Reel readings cause the ref leanings to change during the game.

Q: How do you handle matches that are played at a neutral site when you roll a 4 on the pitch action chart?

A: Some ideas to handle this include:

    • Decider Die

    • Alternate “home” team designation by half

    • Designate the offense the home team

Q: Are there adjustments for your scissor goal scorers when they are getting the "Spectacular Save" shots? Am I missing a rule or are these really the designed opportunities for the low scorers to get their scoring chance.

A: There's a note on page vii of the rules, "On all SPEC SAVE results, if the indicated shooter has a rating of 'double scissors,' the goal keeper automatically gets a SPEC SAVE rating of FIVE stars."

Q: If a team rolls an "Attack with no squares" but the defender has a defenseman with a chip, can the defender play the chip and gain squares?

A: No, this is not a possible use for the boost chips.

Q: The rules appear to control when substitutions occur, but can I substitute on my own?

A: Yes, at any time.

Q: Regarding the top-of-page scoresheet abbreviations “NG,” “(NG)” and “S/OG.” What are they for?

A: Those notations were really used more in play-testing the game. "NG" represents missed shots from on-target attacks. "(NG)" represents missed shots from defended attacks. You can then add all the columns--G+NG+(NG)--to get the total shots for the game (S/OG).