Roller Rumble

Frequently Asked Questions

Universal Rule for Board Games - Players Decide Ambiguity: If players ever arrive at a situation not covered in the rulebook, and the rules offer no definitive answer, then players should feel free to decide what happens.

Q: When the men and women switch for each period do I reset the Jammer chips back to the beginning at the start of each period or do they 'change on the fly' like in hockey and I leave the chips where they are?

A: It's always a fresh start when the men and women begin a new period so yes, you reset the jam track at the beginning of each period.

Q: How are you supposed to break up the skaters from the teams included with the game? It appears that there are four teams but no roster was given. Is there a suggested list some place I can look at?

A: From Keith: The base teams can be arranged any way you want, there are enough skaters to make four teams. I'd suggest dividing them up male/female and then by position, and distributing them randomly. That will give you the feel of the game, and you can then re-arrange them as desired.

Q: To conduct an interview do we randomly pick a player and roll the dice or are there any charts that makes us roll on that chart?

A: From Keith: You can run the TV interviews however you want, but generally I choose the player that makes most sense--high scorer, team captain, someone who had a run-in with refs previously, etc. For timing, you can do them at the beginning of the game or the beginning of the second half, or both!

Q: What happens after a jam? Do both teams' tokens go back to the start? Just the jamming team?

A: They both go back to start.

Q: Has the rule booklet been updated since 2003?

A: No

Q: When the card states “Home team switches jammer from among skaters on the track,” do you switch the jammer with a skater who is labeled a blocker or pivot, or do just switch the jammers in the two jammer spots at #4 and #5?

A: In this reading, you switch a jammer with a blocker or pivot skater.

Q: When an ejection occurs does the ejected players team skate with one less skater for six cards as they do when a penalty happens?

A: No, unless there's a penalty called, you'd replace the ejected skater with someone else.

Q: I noticed 2 sets of Highlight Reel charts. XA, XB, XC, and XX charts are to be used with ‘current stars,’ which I assume would be any period from the '70s and later. Is this correct?

A: The "X" highlight reels were designed for the short-lived ‘WSL RollerJam’ TV series which was produced when the game came out in 2001. RollerJam attempted to re-created pro wrestling's story lines and "feel," and was more "entertainment" than sports. The “X” Highlight Reels reflect THAT style of roller derby. For classic roller derby action, use the other set of highlight reels (without the "X").

Q: When play directs you to the TV interviews chart, what do you do with the number in parentheses that's in the result you read?

A: The number in parentheses is the adjustment you'll make to the player's TV grade. You can make it in effect for that game only, or you can keep it in effect going forward, your choice.

Q: When a skater gets a penalty, does he/she have to sit the entire six cards or can the skater come out of the box if the team with the skater advantage scores during the penalty (like they do in hockey)?

A: No, unlike hockey, in roller derby the player stays in the penalty box for the entire length of the penalty.