Draft Duel Fantasy Football Card Game

Frequently Asked Questions

Universal Rule for Board Games - Players Decide Ambiguity: If players ever arrive at a situation not covered in the rulebook, and the rules offer no definitive answer, then players should feel free to decide what happens.

Solitaire Play

Q: Does the human player go first every round or does it altnernate?

A: The human player goes first every round

Q: Can I skip the post game press conference even if I've earned it, in order to prevent unintentionally awarding the A.I. additional points?

A: Yes, you can.

Q: When drawing a kicker for the A.I., the rules say to discard the kicker and award the A.I. 3 points. But for rest of game is the kicker kept there to be used for future? So at end of the game the AI would only have 4 cards in their slots due to discarding a kicker? 

A: No, this is not correct. After discarding the kicker and awarding the A.I. 3 points, you re-draw for the A.I. Repeat this process until you draw a non-kicker card for the round. Note that discards can return to the game later if the deck runs out; shuffle the discards to form a new draw deck.

Q: If I flip a card to resolve an extra point, or to activate the text on a player card, and the flipped card is a Kicker, does the A.I. earn 3 points?

A: No, the A.I. does not earn any points in these cases. For the A.I. to earn the 3 points, the card must be a) drawn player by the AI Player for their turn, b) drawn as the free-agent, or c) discarded by the human Player. If a kicker is drawn by the AI Player, it's discarded, three points awarded, and a new card drawn.

Q: If the A.I. doesn't qualify for the bonus "Press Conference Round", can they still earn points for the kicker rule?

A: Yes, the A.I. can still earn points in the bonus round even if they didn't qualify to play a card in the round.

Q: When playing solitaire against Philadelphia, they get to play two cards during the three Sunday games. After Monday’s game, they will have played a total of eight cards. .. question, in seeing if they earn a “post game news conference”, are they looking across all EIGHT cards to find the four different positions? 

A: Yes, you look at all the Eagles cards to see if they've earned the post-game-press-conference turn.

Q: When playing solitaire against Denver, you have to determine how many UNCERTAIN and EXPLOSIVE players there are. Does this include both player's huddles and the free agent card?

A: Yes, it includes both player's huddles and the free agent card.

Q: When playing solitaire against Los Angeles, do you include the free agent card in their special text?

A: No, it's two UNCERTAIN players for EITHER team (their huddles), the free agent isn't counted for this.

Q: On the San Diego team card it says: "If more than two UNCERTAIN players on either team, neither you nor Los Angeles gets a hold a post-game press conference." I understand the first part, but how/why would LA hold a press conference when I am playing San Diego?

A: This is a typo on the San Diego team card. It should read "If more than two UNCERTAIN players on either team, neither you nor San Diego gets to hold a post-game press conference."

General Play

Q: When a new game turn (day like Thursday night game to early Sunday game) happens and we flip a card for a new free agemt player does that card go on top or next to the previous one?

A: It goes on top. There is only ever one free agent card in play.

Q: After a Player finishes his turn does he draw back up to five cards in his hand or not?

A: Yes, and sometimes the hand limit can be increased to 6 if the right card is played!

Q: Some cards allow you to change an aspect of another card on your next turn. Is the change permanent or only for the next turn?

A: The change is only for the next turn.

Q: There is a card that allows you to change the position of one card on the next turn. I waited until the Sunday night game to play that card. On Monday Night, I used that card to change another card of mine to a QB, earning me the 6th game press conference as I changed a WR to a QB, the only positon I was missing. Is that a legal play?

A: Yes! That is a sneaky way to earn the press conference turn!

Q: My friend wanted to use a card that allowed him to change a position on the next turn to change his QB to a different position so he could play a different QB for his scoring text. Is that allowed?

A: No, that is considered an illegal play since you can only play one QB to your huddle.

Q: When a card refers to other players (i.e. cards), does it mean any that have been played, or just the ones you have played to your own huddle?

A: When a card refers to "players" it means the free agent card or ANY cards in anyone's huddle. 

Q: Just to make sure I’m playing the “immediately after” correct. Is this card based on your own huddle or the last player played in your opponents huddle?

A: The "if played immediately after" text on player cards should be taken literally. It may mean EITHER 1) the flip of the free-agent card, 2) an opponents play to their huddle, or 3) the last card you played this same turn (e.g. an onside kick sequence).

Q: I converted an onside kick, do I get to draw another card before I play another card this turn?

A: No, you must play one of the cards remaining in your hand. You will not draw back up to a full hand until after your turn is over.

Q: I converted an onside kick and played a second card on my turn. Do I get to draw two cards after my turn is over instead of one? 

A: Yes, you always draw back up to a "full hand" after your turn is over. Some cards (#29, #46, #61) allow you to expand your hand up to 6 cards, so a "full hand" may be 5 or 6 cards.

Q: Can you tell me if this combination is within the rules of the game? I'm playing a 2-player game and my opponent has already played a QB into their huddle, but I want to get the bonus for playing Allen (card #13) where I get a bonus TD if Allen is the first QB played.  I have Olave (#59), which lets me change the position of any one card on my next turn. So can I play Olave, then play Allen on the following turn, and during Allen's turn use Olave's bonus to change the other QB to another position - getting me Allen's bonus TD?

A: Yes! Clever play! And to be clear, this rule applies in a solo or any multi-player game where only one QB has already been played.

Q: Card #55 Hill. Do the cards need to be both MIAMI and platinum, or just any platinum on the table? 

A: Any platinum (Free Agent or in a Huddle). So if two MIAMI players have been played, count ALL platinum players that have been played for the scoring, not just the MIAMI players.

Q: Card #26 Ekeler; he is a Steady RB. His card says ‘Score a TD for each Steady RB’. So I presume the card will always score at least 1 TD for Ekeler himself?

A: Correct! Card scoring requirements always apply to the same card, as well as the free agent card, and cards in other huddles.

Q: Card #13 Allen has a bonus score if he is the first QB played. What if there are no QB's in any huddle, BUT a previous Free Agent player (now covered) was a QB? Can he still activate his bonus?

A: No, the previous FA card is covered up, but it WAS played, so that nullifies the bonus for that card in this scenario.