Fury Hardball

Frequently Asked Questions

Universal Rule for Board Games - Players Decide Ambiguity: If players ever arrive at a situation not covered in the rulebook, and the rules offer no definitive answer, then players should feel free to decide what happens.

Q: I received the 1st Edition boxed version of the game, and the Furious Action chart references a Wild Results chart. I can't find this in the game materials.

A: This is a typo in the 1st Edition boxed version of the game, the Wild results chart is the same as the Furious Action chart.

Q: I have the 1st Edition boxed version of the game and I don't understand this result from the Furious Action chart. "HOME batter hits DINGER, HOME fielder 2 snags STINGER". How can the home team offense and defense both be involved in the play?

A: This is a typo in the 1st Edition boxed version of the game. It should read ""HOME batter hits DINGER, -OR- HOME fielder 2 snags STINGER". The same correction applies to results 5, 6, and 7 on the Furious Action chart.

Q: Where can I find a scoresheet for the game?

A: You can find a couple different versions at this link. We recommend the simple version of scorekeeping (only outs and runs) to keep the game moving furiously.

Q: The instructions don't specify what happens if a team loses both of their fielders and no subs are available?

A: All runners (no matter their speed rating) will take the bonus base on a Pinger. All "outs" become Pingers and the runner automatically takes the bonus base. Any Stingers become Outs.

Q: What happens to a runner on base if the batter hits a Pinger?

A: The runner scores.

Q: If there is a runner on base, and the batter hits a pinger but is pegged out challenging for the bonus base, does the runner score, or hold the base?

A: The runner scores. He is awarded the score as soon as the ball lands in fair territory for the Pinger, prior to the batter being thrown out.

Q: On the Pittsburgh team, Aubert has a running rating of SAFE / "Triangle" Safe. Is that intentional?

A: No, that is a typo, his rating should read SAFE / "Triangle" Out.

Q: On the Karachi team, Meghwar's Fielding card has a note: * STINGER on REACH swing. What result does that apply to?

A: This is a typo. The asterisk for that note should be applied to the DINGER reading.

Q: Are there any house rules for solitaire players on Result 8 on the Furious Action Board, where it is the player(s) choice if there are punches thrown or not?

Yes, here are a few variations.

A1: From Al W. "If it is a single game, and not part of a series, then I take no extra action on an 8 result. If it is part of a series, and a player on the same team has been winged before, a scuffle will ensure."

A2: From Cooper G. "I roll one d6 for each team. If the result is equal to or less than the number of available subs remaining on that team's bench, then the team engages in the rumble."

A3: From Brien A. "If 8 is first Winger, no fight. If 2nd Winger and beyond: fight. Idea being like the dirty hit mechanic in Hockey Blast. Sometimes, you need to fight."