Fury Football

Frequently Asked Questions

Universal Rule for Board Games - Players Decide Ambiguity: If players ever arrive at a situation not covered in the rulebook, and the rules offer no definitive answer, then players should feel free to decide what happens.

Q: What is this game? I don’t see it offered at PLAAY.com.

A: You can learn more about Fury Football at PLAAYNow.com

Q: When setting up the two team boards for solitaire play, how do I arrange the squads. Do all 12 players from one team go on one board?

A: No, each board should have the Offense from one team and the Defense from the other team.

Q: Are touchdown conversions “unlimited” in Fury Football?

A: Yes, the team scoring a touchdown may continue to convert until they're stopped.

Q: Following Team A’s defensive touchdown and subsequent conversions, where does Team A then begin its following offensive possession?

A: At midfield.

Q: For Players that have the result “Touchdown / ᐃ Injury”, is it a TD or injury, or is it a TD and an injury?

A: It is an injury for that player if the Fury die is a triangle result, but the team also scores a TD. For all other cases where the symbol under the main result is a turnover, penalty, or sack - if the symbol result is rolled on the d6, then the main result is disregarded.

Q: I have an injury to player #12, but my only other Back with a Star is playing defense. Can I move him from offense to defense and then bring in a replacement for the defensive spot that is now empty?

A: Yes, you can freely move players around at any time.

Q: Are there any house rules for multi-game injuries?

A: By default, injuries are for the current game only. Some players have started implementing multi game injuries by deciding on the probability that an injury will span more than the current game, and then determining the length of the injury. For example, roll 1d6, on a result of “1”, the injury will last more than the current game - roll 1d6 for the number of games that will be missed (1 to 6).

Q: The rules around strategy card usage are aimed at head to head play. What are people doing for solitaire play?

A: Cooper Gilbert shared: “1. Each strategy card can only be played once per game. Once it is played, turn it over. 2. Only one strategy card may be played per play. 3. Home field advantage: home team always has the option to play a strategy card first.”

Al Wilson shared: “1. Each strategy card can only be played once per game and then discarded. 2. Only one strategy card may be played per DRIVE per TEAM. 3. Home team has option to play a strategy card first in the event both teams have a reason to play one on the same play. 4. OPTIONAL "Crowd Noise" rule when the games aren't being played at a neutral location. Before the game, roll a die (or flip a FAC). Circle = Visitor must discard 1 random strategy card. Square = Visitor must discard 2 random strategy cards. Triangle = Visitor must discard 3 random strategy cards. All discards are blind, the Visitor cannot choose the cards to discard.”

Bob Hansen Shared: “In order to introduce home field advantage into the game I allow the home team to use two strategy cards over the course of the game. Once they have used their two cards they are on even footing for the rest of the game.”

Q: Does it matter what positions players take on the game board?

A: Per the rules, “Any player can occupy any numbered box, with one exception: only a back with a “star” symbol can occupy offense box 12.” Note the following results from the main game board for strategic placement of offensive and defensive players players:

      • Offense: The only Offensive player to be referenced (often) will be the player in box 12. This is your PLAYMAKER.

      • Defense: Your top defensive player (strongest vs Run for sure!) should be in position 5, and your next strongest player should be in position 2. Why?....

          • React Defense: Defensive players in the “2” (vs. Pass) and “5” (vs. Run) boxes will be referenced more often.

          • Fury Defense: Only players in the “2” (vs. Run) and “5” (vs. Pass) boxes will be referenced.

          • Run Defense: Only the player in the “5” (vs. Run) box will be referenced.