Highlight Maker Hoops - Prime Time

Frequently Asked Questions

Universal Rule for Board Games - Players Decide Ambiguity: If players ever arrive at a situation not covered in the rulebook, and the rules offer no definitive answer, then players should feel free to decide what happens.

Purchasing Information

Q: Do I need Highlight Maker Hoops to use the Prime Time module or is it a stand alone game?

A: It is a standalone game.  The cards are designed to work with both the Highlight game as well as the Prime Time game with no changes.


Q: What stats can be tracked?

A: All the stats from your basic box score e.g., FGM, FGA, 3PM, 3PA, FTM, FTA, TOV, BLK, STL, ORB, DRB, AST, MP with one caveat. Assists can easily be tracked, but require slightly more effort to track fully.  You can read more about it here:



Q: How do I resolve underlined shots that are rolled as a result of shooting fouls that ask if the shot was MADE? For example, PURPLE fouled by defender of PURPLE while shooting, MADE?

A: Review the "Fouled While Shooting -- MADE?" section of the rules on Page 9, there is no way to explain it any better in this FAQ. Also note the Advanced Option on Page 19 if the shooter has all six shooting qualities; the recommendation is to play TIP shots as missed.

Q: For the HEATED PLAY! result with the shooter taking an ARC shot, do I roll a decider die to see if it was a 3-point shot if the quality is not underlined?

A: No.

Q: The HEATED PLAY! instructions aren't clear, can you help?

A: Keith has acknowledged that the rulebook for HEATED (page 10, 2nd paragraph) should be changed from "FOULED while shooting--MADE!" to "FOULED while shooting--MISSED!"

The rules don't call out that TIP shots are a potential "... and 1" on HEATED, but the FACs do. Basically, the only way you get an "... and 1" is on "FOULED while shooting--MADE?" Or on a HEATED play where the player has TIP.  All others are EITHER a made 3pt shot with no foul, OR a 2pt missed shot with a foul.

Q: Result 7 on Unusual Chart -- Green player crashes out of bounds - injury possible. Does this mean it's a turnover? He had the ball? Or just move on to next play especially if not using injuries?

A: The intent was that the injury was on the ball handler. It would not be out-of-spirit to roll a decider die to determine who has possession.  

Q: How do you get a player a 3pt attempt when he has no underlined qualities? Would the ARC quality play into that?

A: In the pre-3pt era, no players will have underlined shot attempts, so LAUNCH results become long 2-pt shots.  In the 3-pt era, if a player doesn't have an underline, an ARC shot with a successful decider die roll would result in a 3pt shot.

Q: When a non-shooting foul is committed, does the team that was fouled run an in-bounds play? Or just flip and roll on the next FAC?

A: No inbound play is run in this scenario, it's abstracted. Inbound plays reflect extra down time where a coach can strategize and draw up a play.  The inbound chart also provides high chance of scoring. It is intended only for starting the next segment, or after a timeout late in the game.

Q: FAC #8 reads - Any defender with REACH and SPARK blocks BLUE shot out of bounds, ORB to team.  I had a player on defense with both qualities, one of them underlined.  Normally this would result in an automatic transition basket.  How do I resolve this?

A: The out of bounds happens first, so the transition basket is ignored on this play.

Q: Defender of BLUE with SMART? BLUE misses WOW shot, DRB to PF.  If the defender has the SMART quality, does the shot type (in this case WOW) matter?

A: It only matters to indicate whether the shot was a 2-pointer or 3-pointer 

e.g., Shooter doesn't have WOW: 2pt. miss

Shooter has WOW, not underlined: 2pt. miss

Shooter has WOW, underlined: 3pt. miss

Q: On a 2-quality steal check (QUICK AND SPARK), do both have to be underlined to get the auto score?

A: No, if at least one of the two is underlined, it's an automatic basket for the team making the steal.

Q: Do you roll on the Inbounds chart to start the 2nd half?

A: Yes.

College Basketball

Q: Does the game work for college basketball?

A: The game was created with professional basketball in mind, but was designed to be flexible enough to support the college game very well with minimal changes.  Other than collegiate-specific rules like fouls/bonus shots, there are two recommended options for timing the game.

1. The Avallone method: Use the entire deck of 56 FACs divided evenly into 6 stacks.  This represents a single half of play, keeping the original mechanic of 3 segments per quarter (6 per half) intact.

2. The Alternate method: Use a deck of 55 FACs (set aside one card each half) divided evenly into 5 stacks, ignoring the last segment of the half.  This fits nicely into 4-minute segments if you're tracking minutes played.


Q: I have the original ATFG set, and Scott Wedman an Patty Mills have errors on their card.  What can I do?

A: PLAAY has released fixed cards here:
