A.  I can compare perspectives of people on both sides of an issue (competency=skill))

B.  I can read and comprehend grade level text demonstrating differing views (competency)

C.  I can identify the difference between fact and opinion (competency)

A.  I can identify statements in a text that support the pros or cons of an debate

B.  I can identify two or more sides of an argument

C.  I can recognize opinions can dictate decisions 

A.  I can categorize primary and secondary sources based on information provided or context clues

B. I can define and give examples of a stereotype 

A.  I can create a presentation with organized information using appropriate citations 

B.  I can utilize various forms of media to present learning


Text to speech, Learning Ally audiobooks, modified rubric, conventions flexibility

Google Site link to student work at school library and public library

PBE in Montana.webm

Content Self Assessment

Target Proficiency Self-Assessment
