David H

Place and Displacement in the West: Living in their shoes

Unit overview

Unit overview

Unit Schedule

Unit schedule

Lesson plan 1: This first lesson is designed to introduce students to topic of Manifest Destiny as well as read the reasons settlers were on this journey westward. After reading provided material, students will finish the lesson by writing a letter from the perspective of a settler at the time of Manifest Destiny.

Lesson plan 1

Lesson plan 2: This second lesson switches the lens of perspective to the Native American tribes that were effected at the time. We'll review the previous day's lesson and read different resources both in whole-group discussion and independent reading. They will repeat the same task from the previous lesson, but this time from the perspective of a Native American explaining their side.

Lesson plan 2

Lesson plan 3: The final lesson brought the concept of Manifest Destiny to contemporary issues. A mini debate was held with statements made from the teacher and students would state their opinion on the matter and argue their side.

Lesson plan 3

PBE paper assessment rubric


Professional development reflection

Development trip reflection

Unit overview walkthrough

Unit overview walkthrough.mp4