
If a picture is worth a thousand words...

Just imagine how many trees each of these are worth.

The photos below were taken Wednesday, March 22, 2017 subsequent to ET Rover's workcrews clearcutting near the Pinckney Recreation Area in Washtenaw and Livingston Counties, Michigan, USA.

Yes, please, ET Rover, EXIT NOW.

Yes, please, ET Rover, EXIT NOW.

Eminent domain, right.  Did you leave something behind, ET Rover?

Eminent domain, right. Did you leave something behind, ET Rover?

No need for hurricanes.  Texas sent us ET Rover.

No need for hurricanes. Texas sent us ET Rover.

Windstorms have nothing over ET Rover.

Windstorms have nothing over ET Rover.

In 2012 there was the Dexter tornado.  This year, more trees lost to ET Rover.

In 2012 there was the Dexter tornado. This year, more trees lost to ET Rover.

Apparently size is no matter to ET Rover.

Apparently size is no matter to ET Rover.

Nor age - 70+ years to regrow me, ET Rover

Nor age...70+ years to regrow me, ET Rover

Easy chairs ET Rover style - under the fallen trees.

No place left to sit with all ET Rover's felled trees.

Five ways to stop that "I've been Rovered" helpless feeling:

  1. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK for info on upcoming meetings and events.
  2. Share OVER WITH ROVER on your own page, and with your elected officials.
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  5. No time to get involved? You can still make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to our legal fund.