Pipeline Dangers

Look what's coming to a backyard near you...

And read the facts on what it will be emitting.

Total Annual GHG Emissions: 145 million metric tons

Emissions Equivalent: 42 coal plants or over 30 million passenger vehicles


  • Project Name: Rover Pipeline
  • Ownership: Energy Transfer Partners (65%) and Traverse Midstream Partners (35%)
  • Operator: Energy Transfer Partners
  • Anchor Shippers: Ascent Resources, Antero Resources, Southwestern Energy Services, Eclipse Resource, Gulfport Energy, Range Resources, Rice Energy Marketing
  • Capacity: 3.25 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d)
  • Pipeline Length: 510 miles
  • Pipeline Diameter: 42 inches
  • Project Cost: $4.2 billion
  • States Affected: Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan
  • Gas Source: West Virginia & Pennsylvania, Marcellus & Utica Shale Formations, Appalachian Basin
  • Destination Markets: Direct service to Ohio and Michigan, as well as connections with pipelines serving Ontario, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas
  • Permit and Project Schedule: FERC Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity issued February 2017; Construction activities currently underway; Company schedule (est.): Phase 1 completion – July 2017, Phase 2 – November 2017

Pipeline "EMERGENCY DRILLS" being done in school

Rover says "NO PROBLEM", but that's not what this school thinks about the Sunoco Logistics' Mariner East 2 pipeline to be completed in autumn 2017. They are taking the risks seriously and doing emergency drills.

Something to think about...

Did you know the gas running through Rover will be radioactive?

This information comes from Marvin Resnikoff, PhD in Physics from the University of Michigan (source: https://www.nirs.org/wp-content/uploads/radiation/radonmarcellus.pdf )

  • The natural gas that the Rover pipeline will be transporting comes from the Marcellus shale. Resnikoff notes: "wellhead concentrations [of radioactivity] in Marcellus shale are up to 70 times the average in natural gas wells throughout the U.S."
  • This is further reason for us to be concerned about the fact that Rover does not plan to add scent to the gas. We now have three major safety­related reasons to be alarmed about this lack of scent:

○ Increased danger of explosion (see https://sites.google.com/view/overwithrover/faqs)

○ Increased danger of carbon monoxide poisoning

○ Elevated risk of lung cancer from radon.

  • The gas's radioactivity also means that the gas will pose a health risk to the end­users in Canada. "Being an inert gas, radon will not be destroyed when natural gas is burned in a kitchen stove."
  • This will end up killing Canadians. Supposing the gas were to go to New York State instead of Canada, Resnikoff writes: "We calculate the number of excess lung cancer deaths for New York State. Our results: the potential number of fatal lung cancer deaths due to radon in natural gas from the Marcellus shale range from 1,182 to 30,448. This is an additional number of lung cancer deaths due to radon from Marcellus Shale over deaths from natural radon already impacting New York State homes and their residents."

Not finding the answer you're looking for? Email us and we'll see what we can find.

Five ways to stop that "I've been Rovered" helpless feeling:

  1. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK for info on upcoming meetings and events.
  2. Share OVER WITH ROVER on your own page, and with your elected officials.
  3. JOIN OUR LIST to get updates on ET Rover activities in Michigan.
  4. Contact us directly via email overwithrover@gmail.com or etgohomepinckney@gmail.com.
  5. No time to get involved? You can still make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to our legal fund.