Complain to FERC and Congress

Have you been "Rovered?"

There is some good news... YOU DO HAVE A VOICE.

Rover isn't the only pipeline; there are several more contentious projects in Michigan and other states. Read below to learn about recent actions by FERC and other government entities and to see what you can do as a concerned citizen.

Don't like what you see? Neither do we.

Remind the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that we taxpayers pay their salaries. Follow the steps to the left to file your comment on the project they okayed and should oversee!

The Silver Lake community including the YMCA Camp Birkett, Pinkney Recreation Area State Park beach, Crooked Lake campground, Post 46 Hunt/Fish Club, and more than 90 residences are inadvertently entrapped by an apparent misroute of the Rover pipeline. All three access roads to the residential neighborhoods and this popular recreation spot are cut off by the lake-hugging Rover pipeline route.

The new route does not allow for emergency access should there be a pipeline catastrophe. The route that was recommended by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in their Final Environmental Impact Statement in July 2016 did provide access. Further, there will be no odorant in this section of the pipeline.

Rover's mis-route leaves residents and visitors to Silver Lake with NO EVACUATION ROUTE and NO WARNING OF IMPENDING DISASTER if the pipeline fails.

Please take two minutes to fill out this form now:

Contact your Legislator for their support

Tell your US Senator, US Congressman, MI State Representative how Rover hurts your neighborhood.

Special instructions: Please send an individual email to each person listed here (not "CC"-ed to a list of many officials). If you are a constituent of the official you are contacting, mention it first thing. Click here for a printable pdf of this information.


U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI):

U.S. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI):

  • Contact form
  • Lansing phone: (517) 377-1508
  • Address: 124 West Allegan Street, Suite 1810 Lansing, MI. 48933
  • Griffin Working (yes that is his name) works for Gary Peters in the senator's Lansing Mid-Michigan office. Leave a voicemail for Griffin at the Lansing phone number. Say you're calling about the ET Rover Pipeline. Leave your number if you'd like a call back.

U.S. Representative Deborah Dingell (D-MI 12th congressional district):

U.S. Representative Tim Walberg (R-MI 7th congressional district):

U.S. Representative Mike Bishop (R-MI 8th congressional district):

U.S. Representative Dan Kildee (D-MI 5th congressional district):


List of Michigan's State Senators and Representatives whose districts the ET Rover route intersects:

Donna Lasinski (D-District 52) Phone: (517) 373-0828

Sits on the Michigan legislature's Energy Committee

Lana Theis (R-District 42) Phone: (517) 373-1784

Hank Vaupel (R-District 47) Phone: (517) 373-8835

Bronna Kahle (R-District 57) Phone: (517) 373-1706

Joe Hune (R-District 22) Phone: (517) 373-2420 Dale Zorn (R-District 17) Phone: (517) 373-3543

Live in a different district?

Find your Federal Congressional representative here:

Find your Michigan State Congressional representative here:

Please call your Senator to keep FERC in check!

FERC doesn't currently have a quorum to allow more pipelines.

Right now the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is operating without a Quorum. It needs a minimum of three (3) commissioners out of five (5), and is currently operating with only ONE (1) commissioner. Hence, FERC does not currently have the power to approve pipelines, compressors or LNG export facilities.

It’s Time to Call Our Senators and Secure their Commitment to:

    • Demand Congressional Hearings into FERC Abuses and Bias
    • Identify reforms that will result in an agency dedicated to a just transition to energy that serves the people rather than abuses them
    • Demand an investigation and reform of FERC before supporting any Trump nominations

What will we be saying to senators?

    • FERC is a demonstrably biased agency – it has only denied one pipeline project brought before its commissioners in 30 years.
    • Trump’s nominees for FERC Commissioner need to be opposed until Congress has held hearings into FERC’s abuses of power and has identified and put in place needed reforms.
    • Ask Trump’s nominees the tough questions that will expose the bias and abuses that exemplify FERC.

Below, you will find all the resources you need to make your calls, including phone numbers, a sample script, and an optional form to tell us how your calls went.


Contact Information for your senators

Call Your Two Senators: We need you to call your two senators and speak as their constituent.

Here are Michigan's:

Peters, Gary C. - (202) 224-6221 - (D - MI), Class II, 724 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510


Stabenow, Debbie - (202) 224-4822 - (D - MI) Class I, 731 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510


See? That wasn't so hard! Please consider calling more Senators who sit on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which is responsible for holding hearings on Trump’s nominees to FERC. Don’t know their number? Click this link to find the senators for all states if not listed below.


    • Senator Maria Cantwell, Minority Ranking Member: 202 224 3441
    • Senator Bernie Sanders: 202 224 5141
    • Senator Al Franken: 202 224 5641
    • Senator Ron Wyden: 202 224 5244
    • Senator Debbie Stabenow: 202 224 4822
    • Senator Angus King: 202 224 5344
    • Senator Mazie Hirono: 202 224 6361
    • Senator Tammy Duckworth: 202 224 2854
    • Senator Catherine Cortez Masto: 202 224 3542
    • Senator Joe Manchin: 202 224 3954
    • Senator Martin Heinrich: 202 224 5521


    • Senator Lisa Murkowski, Chair: 202 224 6665
    • Senator Rob Portman: 202 224 3353
    • Senator John Barrasso: 202 224 6441
    • Senator James Risch: 202 224 2752
    • Senator Mike Lee: 202 224 5444
    • Senator Jeff Flake: 202 224 4521
    • Senator Steve Daines: 202 224 2651
    • Senator Cory Gardner: 202 224 5941
    • Senator Lamar Alexander: 202 224 4944
    • Senator John Hoeven: 202 224 2551
    • Senator Bill Cassidy: 202 224 5824
    • Senator Luther Strange: 202 224 4124


Sample Script

Please note that this is a template. Feel free to revise it as you’d like. The more personal you can be, and the more specific about your own concerns, the better.

When Calling Your Own Senator:

My name is (name). I’m a constituent of (name of Senator) from (your town and state).

I am calling to implore the Senator to call on his colleagues to resist any nominations put forth by Donald Trump to serve as Commissioner on FERC.

FERC his a demonstrated history of abusing communities and misusing the law when it comes to reviewing and approving natural gas infrastructure like pipelines, compressors and LNG facilities.

Before any new commissioners are appointed to FERC, and the agency’s quorum reestablished, I want Senator X to call for congressional hearings into FERC’s well documented and routine abuses that are harming communities and the climate, stripping people of their legal rights, undermining the legal authority of states, and allowing FERC employees and commissioners to personally benefit from the work they do at the agency.

When Calling a Committee Member who is not Your Senator:

My name is (name). I am a resident of the United States who is concerned about FERC’s abuses of power and law when it comes to reviewing and approving pipeline infrastructure projects and LNG export facilities.

I am calling Senator X because he serves on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee that will be holding hearings on Donald Trump’s nominations for FERC Commissioners.

FERC his a demonstrated history of abusing communities and misusing the law when it comes to reviewing and approving natural gas infrastructure projects.

I am urging Senator X to use his position on the Committee to oppose confirmation of any new Commissioners to FERC, until such time as Congress has held hearings and investigated FERC’s well documented and routine abuses that are harming communities and the climate, stripping people of their legal rights, undermining the legal authority of states, and allowing FERC employees and commissioners to personally benefit from the work they do at the agency.

If you want to be able to give more detail here is a little bit more:

FERC routinely uses a legal loophole that strips people of their legal right to challenge a pipeline project in court before FERC allows the company to use the power of eminent domain to take property and to actually start constructing activities for their pipelines.

FERC routinely undermines states rights and legal authority when it comes to pipeline reviews.

It has been documented that FERC has a revolving door between agency staff and the gas industry.

FERC Commissioners are known to approve pipeline projects that benefit themselves and their family.

FERC is known to use consultants in its pipeline process that are working for the very companies they are supposed to be reviewing on behalf of FERC.

If you are talking to a live person, and want to engage in some dialogue, here are some questions you could ask to find out where the Senator stands and to see if they are open to input during the nomination process regarding questions and information:

Can you tell me where the Senator stands on FERC commissioner appointments at this time? (Respond appropriately by saying thank you or by reiterating the need to vote no. The staffer may mention that Trump has not nominated anyone yet. Be sure to indicate that this isn’t only about who the nominees are. Be clear that until legislation is put forward to replace FERC, you demand that the senator vote no on all appointments, and that FERC lacking a quorum is a good thing).

Can I suggest questions for the senator to ask the FERC nominees during the confirmation hearing? (If yes, ask how to get these questions to the senator, but try to relay them over the phone. If no, relay the questions you’d like your senator to ask anyway, and demand that they be asked. Click here for sample questions)

Would the Senator support legislation to replace FERC with an agency dedicated to a just transition off fossil fuels? (If yes, ask what the senator will do to make such legislation a reality. If no, tell the senator that you can’t support candidates who don’t stand with you, your community, or the planet, and that unless the senator shapes up, you will join the effort to vote them out.)


Please tell us about your calls!

It would help us to know who you called – if you are willing to share this information please do so at the link below:

What the Senator Said About FERC

Five ways to stop that "I've been rovered" helpless feeling:

  1. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK for info on upcoming meetings and events.
  2. Share OVER WITH ROVER on your own page, and with your elected officials.
  3. JOIN OUR LIST to get updates on ET Rover activities in Michigan.
  4. Contact us directly via email or
  5. No time to get involved? You can still make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to our legal fund.