FERC Motion Filed

URGENT REQUEST to shut down ET Rover horizontal directional drilling construction activity due to series of miscues and incidents

The Army Corps of Engineers authorized Rover to proceed with horizontal directional drilling (HDD) under 45 water crossings with blanket authorization NWP 12.

  • There is now ample evidence of "more than minimal adverse environmental effects" from HDD drilling.
  • The courts have affirmed that the Corps retains jurisdiction to modify or revoke NWP authorization for a pipeline.
  • Management of drilling to date reflects gross ignorance of the geology at the subject river and wetland crossings.

We urge the Corps to revoke the Rover pipeline’s NWP 12 authorization in favor of a regime of individual permits for each HDD crossing to avert further destruction of natural resources.

Read the full letter and press release below.

Rover Pipeline Opponents File Motion to Halt Construction, Citing Accidents and Route Changes

Formal complaint asks FERC to immediately suspend construction and

re-open environmental review process

Wednesday, May 24, 2017: Today, grassroots citizens’ groups in Ohio and Michigan formally asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to revoke the construction permit for the ET Rover Pipeline, and to reopen the environmental analysis of its probable effects if completed.

Click here to download the MOTION TO REVOKE CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY, TO REOPEN NEPA PROCEEDING, AND TO SUSPEND CONSTRUCTION OF ET ROVER PIPELINE in its entirety off the FERC website. Click here to review 2017 documents filed at FERC regarding the Rover pipeline.

Click on the pdf documents below to see the Motion to Revoke Certificate, Press Release, Exh. A - Silver Lake Entrapped, Exh. B - 2016Sep9 FEIS Comments in easy-to-view format.

Five ways to stop that "I've been Rovered" helpless feeling:

  1. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK for info on upcoming meetings and events.
  2. Share OVER WITH ROVER on your own page, and with your elected officials.
  3. JOIN OUR LIST to get updates on ET Rover activities in Michigan.
  4. Contact us directly via email overwithrover@gmail.com or etgohomepinckney@gmail.com.
  5. No time to get involved? You can still make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to our legal fund.