Rover Ooops - Coming to a backyard near you soon

How did this mess happen?

Could it happen here??

May 18, 2017: So far Rover has been accused of 18 pollution violations, including the 2,000,000 gallon mess to the left, in 11 of the counties they've been constructing in Ohio. Listen to the latest in this discussion of the real Rover on WOSU with these guests:

Get your deep mud boots ready... you'll need them when Rover rolls through.

May 10, 2017: Rover's response to the massive 2,000,000 spill of pollution, and the $430,000.00 fine slapped on them by the Ohio EPA because of the destruction: Rover says they don't answer to the states, but to the federal government. And, unhappily for citizens, right now the federal agency that should be overseeing them is not, due to a variety of bureaucratic reasons.

Read more by reporter Andy Chow here.

"Doesn't think there has been any impact to the environment"

"Inadvertent releases of 'drilling mud' aren't unusual during drilling operations."

How comforting!

May 9, 2017: Check out what Rover thinks is NORMAL in this Associated Press article, so that you have a good feeling for what's rolling its way through Ohio straight to Michigan.


April 20, 2017: 2,000,000 gallons of polluting "inadvertent returns" = total disregard for the welfare of the environment and the community. Shame on Rover.

Five ways to stop that "I've been Rovered" helpless feeling:

  1. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK for info on upcoming meetings and events.
  2. Share OVER WITH ROVER on your own page, and with your elected officials.
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  5. No time to get involved? You can still make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to our legal fund.