
Fracking: What does this have to do with pipelines?

Per the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) website, "Hydraulic fracturing is a well completion operation that involves pumping fluids and proppant (typically sand) into a target formation under pressure to create or propagate artificial fractures, or enhance natural fractures, for the purpose of improving deliverability and production of hydrocarbons. "

If built, the Rover pipeline would carry product that was procured by fracking.

This map shows the 13 producing wells currently operating in Michigan, as well as active applications and active undrilled permits. The New York Times and MLive articles below highlight some of the pros and cons of fracking.

The FreshWater Accountability Project ( issues a newsletter dedicated to protecting the future economic and environmental interests of Ohioan (and neighboring Michiganders). Below are a few excerpts from the most recent issue regarding the risks of fracking.

Health Impacts:

Negative public health impacts caused by fracking and its infrastructure such as pipeline compressor stations continue to be proven. A recent peer-reviewed study published in PLOS One links childhood leukemia with living near oil and gas development. The study found that children and young adults who were diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia were 4.3 times more likely to live within 10 miles of an active oil and gas well than kids with other types of cancer. More information can be found here:

Another recent fracking study finds children at greater risk of respiratory health problems. In the first comprehensive literature review to date on the respiratory health risks associated with UOG, experts from the Center for Environmental Health, the Institute for Health and the Environment, Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments have found that these operations are particularly harmful to infants and young children. Children and newborns may suffer disproportionately from exposure to air pollutant emissions from UOG development. According to the review, a young person's developing respiratory system is particularly vulnerable to air pollution. The study, Hazards of UOG Emissions on Children’s and Infants’ Respiratory Health, was published today in the journal Reviews on Environmental Health.

Also, according to a 2014 study by researchers at Yale, people living near natural gas wells were more than twice as likely to report upper-respiratory and skin problems than those not living near the extraction area.

A Compendium of Health Effects associated with fracking can be found here: "The document opens with sections on two of the most acute threats—air pollution and water contamination—and ends with medical and scientific calls for more study and transparency. Readers will notice the ongoing upsurge in reported problems and health impacts, making each section top-heavy with recent data."

Studies are being published on a regular basis to prove that fracking is harmful to public health, especially to those most vulnerable, infants, children and the elderly.

Environmental Impacts:

A new Purdue University study finds methane emissions from Natural Gas (and global climate change impact) much higher than estimated by the EPA:

Risks to Public Water Supplies

There are also mounting concerns about public water supply (PWS) security, quality, and resilience. These concerns stem from the growing uncertainty surrounding the containment of hydraulically fractured and Class II injection wells. To begin to assess the risks involved in locating these wells near PWS’s, FracTracker ( compiled and incorporated as many of the state’s PWS’s into their primary Ohio maps. In this post, FracTracker explore PWS proximity to Utica drilling activity and Class II salt water disposal (SWD) wells in Ohio.

Additionally, it is now shown that Fracking fluid is leaking more often than we thought. And that's not great. Study published here: states that “Hydraulic fracture oil and gas wells spill pretty often, according to a recent study in the journal Environmental Science & Technology.”

Pipeline Opposition Mounts in Ohio

The huge Energy Transfer Rover and Willaims’ Nexus projects add to pipeline overbuild in Ohio/Michigan. Not only will the overbuild provide added incentive to expand the fracking industry in Ohio, the disruption and destruction of regional forests and farm acreage as well as the cumulative impacts of emissions from pipeline leaks and compressor stations are not being studied adequately. As a result, grassroots groups are forming all across the state join others nationwide who are committed to protecting their communities and preserving their private property rights. More information can be found on our Facebook page, Ohioans Against Pipelines for Export:


Because of the catastrophic environmental impacts of fracking, Ohioans are asking that you oppose the leasing of the Wayne National Forest for fracking. The United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) have approved up to 40,000 acres of forest land, directly from the Marietta unit of the Wayne for fracking. FreshWater Accountability Project ( has filed comments in opposition to the leasing which have not been addressed, so the lease sales should not be allowed to continue.

We need your intervention to preserve Ohio’s only National Forest and the future economic and environmental benefits that protected places bring to the State. Ohioans can act by calling Regional Forester Kathleen Atkinson (414-297-3765) and requesting that she WITHDRAW the Wayne National Forest from auction. A full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of fracking impacts must be done! Such a study requires evaluation of up-to-date science and a meaningful public input process which is not happening.

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