Instructional Maps

A pacing guide is available in D2L for most courses. This will download into an Excel file for creating your instructional map. This prevents new teachers AND teachers with new courses from having to fill in each lesson manually.

Note: Make sure to insert additional tabs that admin requires to be included in your instruction maps.

Go to CONTENT from your course menu bar.

Click on Course Materials then Teacher Resources.

Click on Pacing Guide to download the Excel spreadsheet.

Note: Add any additional tabs required by admin.

Once downloaded, open the Excel spreadsheet.

The downloaded pacing guide does not include all of the tabs that administration requires to be included. These tabs and information will need to be added manually at this time to your document. Open the Instructional Map template that has been supplied by admin via email or the Peek. Copy and Paste these tabs into your document.

Click on the PART 1 Enter Planning Dates tab:

Enter the semester start date in Row 3.

Hint: Select the date that you want content to begin being assigned to account for Orientations and Strong Start. This makes it much easier than having to adjust the entire semester.

Enter the date of the Monday that comes before your semester date if not the same day in Row 5.

Using your school calendar, enter all non-school days beginning on row 8.

Scroll down and enter your semester end date on row 47.

Hint: If you choose to have a "dead week" to review for Finals, adjust your end date to account for this. For instance, make your semester end date 12/3/21 so that content ends. The schedule will then schedule all content to be assigned before the last full week of school.

Save your file to your desired location on your computer.

Part 2 Course Information tab:

This is your pacing guide for all of the curriculum within your course. Content is scheduled on this tab based on the dates you entered.

You will need to add required Standards and DOK columns to this tab. Copy those from the provided template.

Depending on the course, you may have to adjust things. If there are not enough instructional days, you may find multiple things assigned for one day. Look out for this. You will also want to delete/replace any content if you are modifying your course (adding Gizmos, omitting/rearranging units, removing assignments, deleting discussions). Read below before modifying anything from this tab!

To add Gizmos, omit/rearrange units, remove assignments or delete discussions:

The dates and day columns are formulated. To prevent messing up these columns, delete only the Lesson Name, Assignment Given and Assignment Due for a particular item.

Highlight only these three cells for an item and right click. Select Delete...

Then select Shift Cells Up.

Everything below that item will then shift up and leave your dates and day count unaffected.

Do the same thing to insert an item. Highlight the three cells on the date where you want to insert and right click. Select Insert... then Shift Cells Up or Shift Cells Down.

Make sure to save your document periodically.

If you need a map for Below Basic you can copy this tab. Right click on the tab name and select Move or Copy..

Select where you want the tab to appear.

Check the box Create a copy.

Hit OK.

Adjust pacing and/or assignments for your BB course.

Fill out the remaining tabs, as needed.

Save your work.