
Click THIS LINK this link to download a collection of demonstration VB projects that I have created for you. It is intended to be a learning tool rather than an entertainment program - not all the demos are fun! This file is a 1MB EXE file that should not take more than a few minutes to download on a 56K modem. Since it is an EXE file it should run on your PC even if you do not have Visual Basic installed. In that case, however, you may need to also download the VB6 runtime redistribution pack, vbrun60sp5.exe, which is a self-extracting 1MB executable file that installs the Microsoft Visual Basic run-time files required by all applications created with Visual Basic 6.0. A Google search should allow you to locate and download that file. Why download the version 6 runtime when you have been using version 5 control edition? Because the making of EXE files is not supported by the control creation edition and therefore I created the EXE file using version 6 instead.

Click HERE to download the source files for the demonstrations - this is a compressed (zipped) file that contains the original Visual Basic form files and project files for each of the demonstrations - looking at the code would be a great way to extend your knowledge of VB! This file is about 3.5MB. You must have Visual Basic 5 or later on your computer to be able to use these files.