ICS School
ICS School is an English-speaking secondary school on the French Riviera that prepares students for the American High School Diploma. It began operating in September 2018 and is very small but growing fast. ICS rents some rooms on the very large and attractive campus of the Centre International de Valbonne (CIV) which is a very successful French secondary school and 'Prépa' located in the Sophia Antipolis high technology park near Cannes.
ICS stands for (Mens Sana) In Corpore Sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body) which hints at the specificity of the school, which is to serve students who are heavily involved in sporting or musical activities in the afternoons and who wish to follow an American High School Diploma program. For more information on ICS School, click HERE.
I currently teach the following classes:
I love science! If you don't, then maybe you should? Here are some reasons to love science...
In September 2019 all my students began a major project on climate change.
In March 2020 some students did projects on the Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) coronavirus.
For all science classes at ICS School, the following weightings are applied in the calculation of semester grades:
- Participation - 10%
- Classwork and Investigations - 15%
- Independent Work - 10%
- Projects, Presentations and Research Papers - 10%
- Quizzes and Tests -15%
- Notebook - 10%
- End of Semester Exam - 30%
The following Google Earth image shows the location of ICS School on the CIV campus. As you can see, the CIV is a vast wooded campus. With its own pool, infirmary, radio station and cinema, it feels more like a village than most other high schools. Many students live on campus.