
This content was prepared by Kimberly Proctor, Rowan class of 2021

About Holcombe Points:

  • Discovered in 1966 by James Fitting, Jerry DeVisscher, and Edward Wahla.

  • It was named after the site it was discovered at [Holcombe Beach]

  • It is from the Late Paleo period and is found to be between 10,500 and 10,00 years old.

  • It is a small oval that comes to a point at the end with a flat cross section.

  • This point measures around 34-70mm long and about 16-28mm wide and has the narrowest base of all the Clovis points.

  • This point is typically made out of whatever is available to the locals, Jasper, Bayport cherts, Upper Mercer flint, Onodaga chert, etc.

Distribution Map

  • Holcombe projectile points are typically located in Michigan and the Great Lakes region.
