Charleston Pine Tree

This content was prepared by Sarah Bingham, Rowan University Class of 2021

What is a Charleston Pine Tree Point?

  • Also called Charleston Corner Notched Point

  • Medium to large size

  • The stem is long and expanded

  • Corner notched

    • Triangular notch shape

  • Usually serrated

  • Parallel flaking towards center ridge

    • This is a noticeable feature

  • Flaking creates the median ridge along center

  • Blade is often asymmetrical and curves outward

When are They From and Where are They Found?

  • Early Archaic Period

    • 9,500 - 8,000 B.C.E.

  • Found in the Middle Atlantic Coast through the Mississippi River Basin, Ohio River, and the Tennessee River basin

What Makes This Point Unique from Others?

  • Often confused for Pine Tree Corner Notched and Kirk Notched

  • Charleston Point predates these other points

  • Charleston is found further east

  • The median ridge of Charleston points is unique


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