
This content was prepared by Kevin Flanegin, class of 2021

What is ironstone?

  • An ironstone is any rock containing noticeable amounts of iron compounds.

  • You can usually tell an ironstone by the banded appearance some have, which is caused by the iron in the rock.

  • Non-banded ironstones are known as "oolitic" and appear as coarse, non-flinty, sedimentary rocks.

Where is ironstone?

  • Ironstone will naturally be found around coal seams and peat deposits.

  • Typically, ironstone can be found in bogs, swamps, and other similar wetlands.

What uses does ironstone have?

  • Ironstone was historically used in the Americas to create projectile points.

  • The rock is also used commercially for the making of china known as "ironstone china."

Image Gallery

Banded Ironstones

Ooilitic Ironstone