About Us

About Us


We are grass-roots national collaborative united to advance health equity, antiracism, and social justice. We started as a small group of neonatologists and neonatologists-in training who wanted to use our action-oriented research, advocacy, medical education, and quality improvement to support and empower families and infants. We saw a need for an inclusive space for advocates, families, researchers, and the medical community to come together, to work across institutions, across disciplines, and across experience towards neonatal justice. We work better when we work together. Join us!


We are organized into four sub-committees -- medical education, research, quality improvement, and policy/advocacy -- tasked to develop specific, measurable, and actionable goals for the year related to their field. Our subcommittees are led by junior faculty and supported by senior advisors. Anyone can join any of the sub-committees or attend the larger general body meetings. We welcome all individuals who are passionate about neonatal justice: families, community members, advocates, CHWs, RNs, NPs, PAs, MDs.

 Interested in joining us on a committee? Tell us here