Neonatal Justice Collaborative

Promoting neonatal equity & justice through collaboration

July 2024

Nursing Equity Initiatives

Our most recent NJC General body meeting featured leaders of Nursing Equity Initiatives across the country. These powerful pioneers inspired the 35+ members in attendance and will continue to inspire when we publicize the recorded meeting.

Ashley Darcy Mahoney, PhD, NNP-BC, FAAN, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, at The George Washington University School of Nursing, led the discussion talking about her experience developing Talk with Me Baby or Háblame Bebé, a bilingual language development app. With the guiding principal that "health and education are intimately intertwined," Dr. Darcy Mahoney pursued public and private grants to develop this app supporting language development and support for native Spanish speaking families. Partnering with a linguist, their team was able to develop an app tp support multiple dialect of Spanish. Learn more about their work through the National Library of Medicine site and bilingual videos or their peer-reviewed publication below. 

Stephanie Adam, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, Nurse Manager of the NICU and Continuing Care Nurseries at Baystate Children’s Hospital, presented her work with Solutions for Patient Safety (SPS) on "Reducing Safety Disparities at Baystate Children’s Hospital." Their hospital began collecting CLABSI and unplanned extubation data with attention to race and ethnicity to identify where disparities exist, start to understand barriers that their community faces, and to deploy resources as needed. As Stephanie astutely stated, “Data drives action.” In an empowering call to action, Stephanie acknowledged “Although it is uncomfortable to think that our own implicit and explicit biases impact our care, it is a reality.” Learn tips for identifying and eliminating disparities in your units from Stephanie's slide or follow the link to SPS.

Monica Germain, BSN, RN, CCRN, recently completed the Ravin Davidoff Health Equity Fellowship at Boston Medical Center, and shared her work with colleague Donna Stickney on "Diversifying the Nursing Workforce." The Boston Medical Center is assessing and revising their hiring practices to make sure equity is amplified. For example, instead of requiring a practicum prior to being hired, acknowledge those practicums can be very related to opportunities available at training programs and instead provide on site experience. Other revisions to hiring practices include prioritizing bilingualism in staff and modifying interview, making sure all hired value the equity the institution stands for. Furthermore, Monica discussed their new Nursing DEI council that provides ongoing DEI focused education for nurses. Looking to challenge your organizations hiring practices? Consider using these interview questions shared by Monica.

Last but not least, our own research subcommittee leader Ashlee Vance, PhD, MA, RN, RNC-NIC, Assistant Scientist, at Center for Health Policy & Health Services Research at Henry Ford Health, presented her project, titled "Nursing Program for Advancing Training in Health and Social Determinants (N-PATHS)" which was submitted as an R25 application to NINR (funding decision pending). This program aims to increase training and skills for nurses in social health factors.  For more information about this program, to create educational content, or to receive enrollment information for Dr. Vance's N-PATHS program, contact her at, or look for an official funding announcement on the NJC website and social media. Dr. Vance welcomes questions from those considering applying for a R25 grant. The R25 grant mechanism is designed to bolster the nursing community's position within health equity research and support nursing research training, and nursing-led SDOH projects and offered by several other NIH Institutes. Find linked details on the funding opportunity below.

Health Equity Highlights - July

Find out about other non-NJC health equity focused events below

The American Hospital Association’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) will host a webcast on Tuesday, July 16 that delves into the importance of making the business case for equity in a resource-constrained health care environment. In this session, leaders from the field will explore how prioritizing equity can ensure that every person has access to high-quality, patient-centered care, regardless of demographic factors such as housing status or racial background or educational level. 

Learn from Joe Wilkins, senior transformation advisor and Black Directors Health Equity Agenda (BDHEA) board director, and Jacqueline Ortiz, vice president of health equity and cultural competence at Christiana Care, about the tangible benefits of fostering health equity, including improved patient outcomes, reduced health care costs and elevated partnerships that align with the needs of the community. Whether you are a clinical or administrative professional, this webinar will provide you with the knowledge and tools to champion health equity and DEI in your organization. 

Date and Time: Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 1-2 p.m. EST  (Register here)

Key takeaways:

Present at upcoming August Works in Progress

Gain feedback, experience, and ideas from your national village of enthusiasts and experts!  Wednesday, August 7, 2:30 – 4:00pm ET

Summer Time 

Mix + Mingle

The Med Education & Workforce Diversity Subcommittee “SUMMER TIME Mix & Mingle” on Friday, June 21st was a wonderful intimate event. We share our career and personal interests and passions and learned about the NJC Health Equity Scholars Program. From discussing challenges of social determinant of health screening to raising children, the group found community to both recharge and motivate. We look forward to our next connect!

Committee Corner

Advocacy + Policy

This committee is led by new junior leaders Drs. Kshama Shah and Sarah Swenson, new senior leader Dr. Levi Funches, and returning senior leader Dr. Valencia Walker. Stay tuned for their next event!

Get connected to their listserv with the interest button below.

Med Ed + Workforce Diversity

This committee is led by new junior leaders Drs. Kaquanta Barlow and Shenell Reynolds, our previous junior leading serving new senior role Dr. Uche Anani, and returning senior leader Dr. Elizabeth Bonachea.

Sign-up to join the subcommittee with the link below.

Quality Improvement

This committee is led by junior leaders Drs. Gaby Cordova Ramos, Nick Heitkamp, and Michelle-Marie Pena (newly transitioned from the Med Ed & Workforce Diversity subcommittee), and lead by senior leaders Drs. Roopali Bapat and Susan Hwang.

If you're interested in joining this subcommittee, indicate your interest via the button below.


This committee is led by junior leaders Drs. Alejandra Barrero-Castillero and Ashlee Vance, and senior leaders Drs. Ashwini Lakshmanan and Henry Lee.

Sign up to present at the next Works In Project below.

Interested in joining the NJC general body or a committee? Connect here to join our listserv and upcoming events!

Contact us at or @NeonatalJustice